
If you exclusively use vertical tabs (either with CSS or another way), how is it? Did you miss horizontal tabs at all?

I’m trying to switch to Floorp right now from Firefox, where I have both the regular horizontal tabs, and a flat vertical list with the Tree Style Tab extension. I use the later a lot, and while I could keep this setup in Floorp, I like that the vertical tabs can be native instead of using TST. However, it just feels weird to...

Add code to your site to prompt browsers using "Web Environment Integrity", to use Firefox instead ( )

Since it seems #Google has decided to uni-laterally force through their new anti-#adblock #DRM euphemistically named "Web environment integrity", I decided to add a little bit of code to my website that blanks out the page and displays a protest message with a link to the firefox download page when you visit it from a browser...

Firefox is nuking NextDNS with over 20k queries a day.

I tried giving NextDNS a shot. So far it looks great. My only problem it has 300k query limit for free in a month. I tried investigating the source of problem by looking a bit into about:networking and found out many queries has time to live of 300 seconds. I tried turning nextdns cache boost off and on but it made no...

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