
Firefox Translation Engine

I used to work in the field of machine translation and would like to know more about how they are doing this translation. 10 years ago, we saw the explosion of statistical and training based translations. However, these are better suited for the cloud, so does anyone know where I can find info on how Firefox does their...

Google search will only show one npage of results ( ) Spanish

I have a major issue with Google search on my PC. Google search results are only showing me the first page and won't scroll or offer me the Goooooogle page selector. I have tried turning off and on continuous scrolling in settings and nothing changes - I don't see the page selector. If I sign out, I get the page selector and...

If you exclusively use vertical tabs (either with CSS or another way), how is it? Did you miss horizontal tabs at all?

I’m trying to switch to Floorp right now from Firefox, where I have both the regular horizontal tabs, and a flat vertical list with the Tree Style Tab extension. I use the later a lot, and while I could keep this setup in Floorp, I like that the vertical tabs can be native instead of using TST. However, it just feels weird to...

I'm looking for an Add-on Manager. I have way too many addons. I enable many of them for development, disable them afterwards. I can't search Installed Addons. What do? ( )

I am in a bit of a pickle. I'm a developer, and I also use some crypto social media, and I also like downloading media sometimes, I do a lot of stuff. I modify CSS, I script & hack the web, yadda yadda. Basically what this means is I ended up with like 50 addons I juggle-enable-disable all the time. This is extremely frustrating...

Twitter Won't Log Out/ Switch Accounts ( )

Been having this issue for a while now, basically whenever I try to swap over to another account or log out of an existing account, it won't update. It'll refresh the page, but I'll still be on the same account. I've tried all the troubleshooting methods. it happens in safe mode, but doesn't happen in private window mode. If...

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