Japanese Language

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The road to JLPT #5 - 本日の文法

Hello everyone, and welcome to our (kind of) daily JLPT thread! I’m sorry I couldn’t post one of these for the past week. I was busy with work and couldn’t get the time to prepare an entire review of a new structure. I’m back and hopefully will be posting these more regularly again. With that said, let’s get started!...

If you want to challenge yourself to a very fun podcast: ゆる言語学ラジオ - 単語はすごい ( www.youtube.com )

I love this podcast. They discuss a lot of the more mind-blowing quirks of language from a Japanese perspective. It has led to some truly mind-blowing moments for me, where I have understood English from a completely new perspective, and I really enjoy it....

The road to JLPT #2 - 本日の文法

Hello everyone, and welcome to our daily JLPT thread! As the tests get nearer and nearer, I’m thinking on focusing on N4-N3 grammar for a few days, since I think those are probably the most popular tests, and the bulk of potential readers will fall under that level most likely. That said, let us begin!...

The road to JLPT #1 - 本日の文法

Hello everyone, and welcome to our daily JLPT thread! The July tests are coming up quickly, so I thought we could have a daily thread where we discuss questions, or talk about what we’ve been practicing. In this thread I will also be sharing one graded grammatical structure every day, so feel free to use it for your own...

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