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bjoern_tantau , avatar

No. Nothing against KDE I just want to minimise all information leaving my computer. If something is bothering me I try to change it myself or make a bug report or feature request.

AtHeartEngineer , avatar

Same, I report crashes, but regular telemetry is rather not

Rustmilian , avatar

At least it's a slider, so it's not just "everything or nothing".

AtHeartEngineer , avatar

Oh ya, don't get me wrong, im glad they have what they have and it's opt in

HouseWolf ,

Yeah same here I got zero tolerance with spyware/telemetry and it's one of the main reasons I switched to Linux in the first place.

Do I believe KDE would misuse my data? Nope not really but it's not something I want to promote no matter how anonymized the data is or how nicely they ask.

Same rule goes for any project even ones I've donated money to.

Mereo , avatar

If you look at the data that KDE exports, there's nothing that directly identifies you. That's why I'm willing to help KDE. Like I said in my other post. It's all about transparency.

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