
Inkscape launches version 1.3 with a focus on organizing work efficiently | Inkscape ( )

With version 1.3 of Inkscape, you’ll find improved performance, several new features, and a solid set of improvements to a few existing ones. This version is squarely focused on helping users get organized and work more efficiently with our free and open source vector-editing software.

I've got an HP Chromebook 11 G4 coming to me soon and I want to install Linux on it ( )

I've been reluctant on getting chromebooks because I know how much Google loves to encompass everyone into it's always-online, data farming ecosystem. Well I know that some select Chromebook models allow Linux to be installed on them to the point of telling ChromeOS to fuck off....

Blog about some various Linux stuff ( )

Just wanted to drop there here, in case anybody finds it useful. I started doing some blogging, mostly with the intention of archiving how in the hell I've done things on Linux, in the past, so I know where to find them the next time I need to do them. There will probably be other stuff there, with time, some of it not linux...

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