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db2 ,

You might see this suggestion twice - do a clean install, not just the OS. Back up your home directory and start fresh, move over what you need from the backup piecemeal so you can tell if something is causing issues.

mihnt OP , avatar

Well, the Mint install was doing that from Fresh. More concerned with ubuntu cinnamon though as I prefer it. Both times I attempted an install on that were from freshly formatted drives and the only things I had installed was steam and discord. Still the only things I have installed really. First install was from a 22.04 iso image and then upgraded from the desktop to 23. Second attempt was with an actual 23 image. It was broken right out of the box.

melroy , avatar

Could you share the exact problem with mint?

mihnt OP , avatar

Between a 1-5 second delay before anything internet related would start loading. So, I'd wait the 1-5 seconds and then it would actually start loading content.

melroy , avatar

Content as in within the web-browser? So maybe it's a Firefox issue? Or are you talking about something else?

mihnt OP , avatar

It was computer wide, but most pronounced on Firefox.

melroy , avatar

Uhm. Still a strange issue. Could be a DNS resolve problem.

mihnt OP , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, I think I'm throwing in the towel with ubuntu cinnamon. There are more and more bugs popping up now. I don't know how in the world it was so stable before and now it's a fucking mess.

So if that issue is still there on Mint I guess we're about to find out.

EDIT: And I'm back and the Mint issue persists. sigh

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