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LanternEverywhere ,

What?! I'm sorry but no that has not been my experience, and it's also contrary to the commonly accepted reputation of Linux. I like Linux, it definitely has lots of advantages and benefits, but that definitely doesn't include it 'just working' and "not causing frustration and irritation."

d3Xt3r ,

That really depends on your needs, and the Linux distro you’re using. Generally speaking, the greater your requirements (and therefore usage), the more finicky an OS gets.

I switched my non-techy Mum and Dad over to Linux over a decade ago (Xubuntu previously, now Zorin) and in all this time, I can count on one hand the number of times they called about an issue. The entire motivation to switch them over was because Windows was so unstable and would either tend to break after an update, or get infected by malware or something, and I got tired of being the IT guy for them and having to constantly fix it. I reasoned that Linux would be a good candidate for them because they have very simple requirements - they mainly just use a browser foe the most part, work with documents occasionally and do a printout once in a while, like for flight tickets and stuff. More than a decade later, my reasoning was proven right, and I’m glad it’s been working so well. Linux was the very definition of “just working”, at least for my parents.

Spiracle , avatar

Really depends on distro/use case/luck. I’ve had quite a few years without any issues, more with minimal and very rare irritations. The day-to-day experience continues is pleasant.

The few months have been somewhat more frustrating for me, and once I have a bit more leisure time I’ll switch distro to something that hopefully works better for me.

rbos , avatar

I’ve worked with windows professionally for many years, and have experienced far far more stupid inexplicable frustration with windows bugs than with Linux ones. Windows bugs are intractably unfixable and require arcane workarounds more often than not.

Tanza , avatar

beyond one or two mistakes of my own doing, where i didn't read or think before running a command, linux is perfectly stable compared to windows for me atleast!

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