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Limitless_screaming , avatar

I don't really understand why you find chrooting hard or what's wrong with the tutorials you found. Can you point out which step of it is difficult. this is the first tutorial I get for Manjaro, is there something missing or left ambiguous?

DarkThoughts OP ,

I use btrfs + encryption. The tutorials just state "you have to do this and that", but not exactly what any of that means or how I apply it to my system, since the commands obviously need tinkering to make sense for my specific use case. It's not really a step by step, but a step by step jump to step X for this and then to step Y for that but make sure to do "something you don't understand / know" to be sure that "something you also don't know". It's basically all just a cryptic mess if you don't know any of it beforehand and I don't think the authors have tested their tutorials on people without prior background knowledge.

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