
what are your favorite cozy reads?

Obviously, they don’t have to slide into the cozy genre. But what books do you cuddle up with during a thunderstorm, or your variable weather of choice? Personally, Becky Chambers has become one of my favorites. I also read LOTR when I need a “good guys doing the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do”.

What is the best way to get books/things to read for free/cheap?

So im usally am stuck at home but ive never felt like rading but i also want to learn somethign new. i was thinking i should read a how to book or, (blank) for dummies but i do online school, i cant drive because im afraid and i tend to freak out when going somewhere becasue i have autism....

Is there a tendency to regard books which make us feel bad as "better" than ones which don't?

I’m dragging myself through an “award-winning” “best-selling” “recommended” book I got from the library and wishing I hadn’t. (Yes I know those phrases mean little and I can stop, though I’m nearing the end after hoping it would stop being so hopeless. Yes I can be naively optimistic ;) .) The characters and...

Recently discovered House of Leaves and it is fantastic

I’ve never had a book that I so immediately wanted to dive right back into. If you haven’t heard of it, but like a good mystery (closer to a self-contained ARG than Agatha Christie) or a good 500 page movie review, I could not recommend it more! This weekend I’m planning to do another read-through to catch things I might...

Fun Fact: The longest piece of literature ever written is a Loud House fanfiction called "Loud House Revamped".

The fanfiction is currently above 16,777,215 words (we don’t know the word count because uses 24-bit integers to count the amount of words and this fic surpassed the computational limit), and is 2000+ chapters. It is written by Jamesdean5842 and is still being written to this day....

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