When, where and how do you read?

Myself personally I get most of my reading done on my 45 minute commute to work on the bus/train. I also enjoy reading in the mornings on weekends and occasionally in the evening on weekdays.

Another thing I like to do with my wife on the weekend is pick up some lunch and coffee and then read at the park.

Generally carrying my ereader around constantly means that idle moments in public end up getting used to advance in the book I’m reading, instead of purposelessly checking my phone or using social media. I think I read a post on here in another thread where someone else has had the same experience.

What about y’all? Any rituals? Do you play music?

e_t_ Admin ,

Do you count audiobooks? I've been falling asleep to audiobooks for 15+ years. I'll also read print books while preparing for sleep, but not with the absolute consistency of audiobooks. Throughout the day, I'll read whenever I feel like it. If things are slow at work (from home) or I have meetings too close together to do something else in between, reading is a great pastime.

Cartendole ,

I'm what I call a seasonal reader - I almost exclusively read during the warmer months on my cute little balcony. I don't know what it is, but that's just my perfect setting for reading. I just can't get myself to read more than a few pages when I'm indoors. A cold glass of water, the warm summer sun and a great book are what I need!

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