fox ,
JuniperusVox , avatar

Re-reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons. I read it as a teenager the first time, and I wonder if I’ll get something different out of it in my 30s now. I’m also reading Heart of Dominance by Anton Fulmen along with my wife. More of a book for them than me, but it still has good information to glean regardless. If I want to include graphic novels, I also just finished Sunstone. It was sweet and entertaining.

Nyoelle ,

Otherside Picnic by Iori Mizayawa (In Japanese) - Amazing sci-fi novel, that takes inspiration from Roadside Picnic, and urban legends. Quite nicely written too, characters are quite likeable.

Lost Gods by Brom - Amazing concepts, the way Gods are portrayed there, and lots of nice mythology details there and there. The story is very much engaging as well.

The Wandering Inn - Looong, fantasy, and lots of fun world building

Half Share - Fun sci-if space opera? Regardless, pleasant experience.

cptsmidge ,

I love the Wandering Inn, soooo long. While I’m not caught up, I am in Volume 9.

BertieWooster ,

Letters from my windmill by Daudet, narrated by Stephen Fry. Discovered this audiobook by accident, but couldn’t help listening. Fry and Laurie read Daudet and Jerome, how cool is that?

daxamna ,

I randomly picked up Ruth Ozeki’s Tale for the Time Being at the library and couldn’t put it down. It really was the level up of literature I have been waiting for. While it did have a few words I needed to look up, it was generally very approachable and enjoyable to get through. What I also appreciated was that even though some of the subject matter is difficult, it is not so detailed and exploitive that it created a triggering response, at least for me. I really look forward to reading more of her work. I’m shocked I had never heard of her and only bumped into this book by chance!

gadabyte , avatar

I read ‘the book of form and emptiness’ by her a few weeks back and absolutely loved it. also looking forward to reading more of her.

Dave_r ,

I just finished ‘Player of Games’ - Ian M. Banks. I liked it, it felt immersive.

Just started The Passenger by the late great Cormac McCarthy. I’m about a 3rd through, listening on audio book via Libby (read at 85% speed). It’s a little hard not to put it in the context of No Country and the border trilogy - Mr. M does seem to have a type. I’m pleased that many of McCarthy’s liberties with words seem to come through on audio, but I imagine I’m missing a lot. All in all I’m enjoying it. Next up my book club is reading All The Pretty Horses, so I’m in for the ride as it were. (Weirdly, there was a longer wait for his other work than The Passenger. I guess people are in the wait and see mode).

A friend recommended Midlife by Kieran Setiya. I have to say - it’s quite dense, and I feel like I’m not doing it justice. I’ll definitely keep going.

schreiblehrling , avatar

@Kamirose I‘m reading „Kite runner“ by Khaled Hosseini. It’s a book about friendship, love, betrayal and reparation. I‘m surprised by how much the book catches me: once I start reading, I never want to put it down again.

binchicken , avatar

Just finished off The Deep by Rivers Solomon, a novella inspired by a song inspired by another song. Very compelling, character-driven narrative about generational trauma and slavery, plus a tinge of romance for the MC. Would recommend.

cdipierr ,

Currently rereading The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie, so I can then try Before They are Hanged. Also, so I can read this copy of Heroes I got on a whim. Abercrombie August.

JBloodthorn , avatar

First Contact by Ralts Bloodthorne (no relation)

Eight Thousand Years after the Glassing of Earth, Terran Descent Humanity has largely become a post-scarcity society based on consent and enjoying life. With the discovery of another ancient race beyond the "Great Gulf", events and history collide to draw the Terran Confederacy into war against a hundred million year old empire that has always won and believes it always will. With allies and enemies of multiple species, the Orion Galactic Arm Spur will be wracked by warfare the likes of which have not been seen. Cracked, harried, wounded, and damaged, Terran Descent Humanity willfully throws itself against the universe itself.

"The universe hates you and will take away everything you love, laughing while it does so." - Terran belief.

lagomorphlecture ,

How far in are you? Is it good? It sounds interesting to me.

Edit: oh wait. Maybe this is too much for me… “The story is 700+ chapters, and repeating characters do not start appearing until the Vuxten chapters”

JBloodthorn , avatar

I am on chapter 907. According to the Royal Road page estimate, that's over 10,000 paperback book pages equivalent. It's a helluva ride, and the price can't be beat.

Vuxten appears around chapter 50, iirc. He's not the first to recur, but he is a fan favourite.

I tend to read it in bursts. I catch up about once every 3 months.

neoman4426 ,

Working my way through the novels set in the Eberron campaign setting from DnD, on the last series from the ones I have, on the second of four of the loosely connected by theme War-Torn series.

LastOneStanding ,

I’m reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the first time ever. Can you believe I am 48 years old, a horror literature junkie, and never read it? It’s true. I’m enjoying it a lot.

HipPriest ,

I studied it at university, it's an absolute classic. And it stays with you, I've not read it for over 20 years and can vividly remember small scenes

Nitrate55 , avatar

Halo: The Fall of Reach. I decided to finally play through all of the games so I purchased the Master Chief collection, played through Halo 1, then read an article detailing the full timeline of events. According to that, I have 3 books to read before I can get to Halo 2. Fall of Reach is the Master Chief’s origin story, while the next book is the novelization of Halo 1, and the third fills in the gap between Halo 1 and 2. Suffice to say, I’ve got a lot to read before I can get to Halo 2, lol. Fortunately, I love reading, so this should be fun.

Technological_Elite ,

Apparently 10 articles that appear on my Kbin homepage in just ONE scroll (None of this is just being exaggerated) about Trump being indicted for 2020 events. I am not subscribed/followed to any political user, magazine or community. Yes, this post was included in the scroll, found it to be pretty funny

KingJalopy ,

Currently listening to the mountain man series. A zombie apocalypse story but very different than most. I’m very much enjoying it. These stories are free on audible plus.

I am currently reading, which I do at night when I’m in bed, quantum void, which is the sequel to quantum space. Which I am also very much enjoying. And they are on Kindle Plus. Or whatever it’s called.

I’m a bit of a sci-fi nerd. It’s almost all I read.

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