
Looking for contemporary uruguayan poetry to read

Hi, I read a lot of poetry in several different languages and for a while now I’ve been looking for poetry (preferably in Spanish) by contemporary uruguayan poets. I’ve read a lot of dead uruguayan poets, but I would like to get a better understanding for what is out there that is more current. I wonder if anybody has any...

Public libraries are the latest front in culture war battle over books ( )

“I knew these books were coming into the library, and I just hadn’t had time to research it. I finally got the time back at the end of January,” Egger said. He added that he knows about the industry from having owned a bookstore years ago. “It’s been a huge push from the publishers and the librarians to get these books...

What is the best way to get books/things to read for free/cheap?

So im usally am stuck at home but ive never felt like rading but i also want to learn somethign new. i was thinking i should read a how to book or, (blank) for dummies but i do online school, i cant drive because im afraid and i tend to freak out when going somewhere becasue i have autism....

Against Disruption: On the Bulletpointization of Books ( )

I’m not saying that all self-help is bad. There’s always been an audience for short and snappy self-improvement books (there’s a reason why there are only 7 Habits, not 70), and that’s just fine. But I do worry about a larger phenomenon that I’ll call the bulletpointification of books and media....

Spooky reads for October?

Anyone else have some spooky reads lined up for October? My bookclub is reading Frankenstein this month, which will be a nice change of pace from the usual fare. I’ve got Tender is the Flesh, Rouge, and Black Sheep lined up. I will probably get to The Haunting of Hill House as well, which I’m really excited to read! I just...

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