
How to catalogue my library

Hello! I would like to catalogue my library (I estimate in the low thousands but I am unsure of the precise number). I would like to keep tracks of several things, from the “obvious” like author, title, publisher, edition, to more personal like “when”/“where” did I get it. Was it a gift? Is a lucky find from that one...

Can any of you recommend a good history of eastern philosophy book?

I am new to exploring philosophy and began reading a history of philosophy book. The author notes that most of the summary is of western philosophy but does touch on some East Asian/Persian/Arabian philosophy. Is there a book with a decently accurate portrayal, without adding too much commentary?

Welcome to the Inaugural [email protected] Bingo for 2024!

We wanted to invite other Lemmy readers to join us in a reading challenge, we have tried to structure this so it’s very flexible with regards to genre, and we don’t require you to join or post on !books. We had just put in the work to make it and thought we could share the fun. (Admins/Mods please feel free to delete if...

Stupid question– is Blood Meridian meant to be comedic at times?

…Because I only just read the first chapter, and I know it’s gonna throw me for a loop, but come on. This whole sequence of events feels like a parody of Westerns– Specifically the “everyone in a bar gets into a fight” trope. I feel like it’s playing out like a Three Stooges sketch....

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