Mshuser OP , (edited )

I can see that. Even in bars, for example, if you're just out to grab dinner and go about your business, even you wouldn't want someone coming up to you and talking to you. I guess technically speaking, even street approaches aren't bad if you approach it properly. I've had a few instances where I've had great conversations with women on the street, I wouldn't recommend it though so maybe I just got lucky.

Those statistics from RAINN are a compilation of multiple NCVS studies consisting 9 years of data (it had years 2005-2014 listed there), whereas if you look at the NCVS (the study RAINN sources), it does list out statistics of incidents from both reported and unreported incidents, sure, but it also provides more information to look at. The total population in the US (as well as the total population of males and females) are listed there. The number of incidents that happened are a lot lower when you compare that to the general population, so the stats you're displaying right now are stats out of those incidents, not of the general population which was the point insta-stats were trying to make. Crime in general is very hard to measure as you have to look at multiple factors. However, most stats comes from what the victim reports, but many of these incidents could be done by the same perpetrator (or repeat offenders if you will).

On RAINN, it states that 433,648 Americans 12 years or older were sexually assaulted or rape per year. Now of course there are margin of error for these numbers since crime is very hard to measure but let's go with that number. The total population reported on the NCVS in 2021 are 279,188,570. If we do the math, then 433,648 / 279,188,570 (could be higher or lower as of this year) = 0.16% per year. It's likely the numbers presented on RAINN are coming from this 0.16%. The number of incidents that happened annually are roughly 4M (when these account for both men and women). Even in the FBI stats (another source RAINN looks at), the number of offenders are actually small compared to the number of victims on those incidents which would imply repeat offenders.

And both NCVS and NISVS shows that domestic violence, even severe, are 50/50 so this isn't a gendered issue.

Perusing and catcalling when done towards adults I'd say do come from male expectations, not when it's directed towards children (tho there have been times where girls who are the ages of 14-17 look like adults so confusion can come from there, it doesn't excuse the crimes tho) Even raping depending on how it's done could be due to male expectations. PUA/TRP do teach men many ways to get sex from women, even if it's through manipulation. And many of them have tips on how men can be "dominant" which I wouldn't be surprised if it does lead into rape.

if it was 100% “dating culture” that caused women to be afraid of men, then why are men aggressively perusing/catcalling/raping/grooming/etc children they aren’t supposed to date?

Maybe they reached a point where they're tired of putting themselves out there and went off the deep end from there. Notorious incels such as Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian were both involved in PUA spaces before eventually reaching a point where they're out there killing people. And these are the extreme cases, most incels are not gonna reach this level. So I wouldn't be surprised if these men started off trying to go for grown women but then later on decided to target children instead for some power trip. I'm not saying this is a good thing and I think if you're intentionally going after children then this goes beyond male expectations and more of a mental issue with these men.

So all these numbers on RAINN are coming from that 0.16% incidents per year, but the reality of women is that they have to deal with men coming onto them based on the 2 videos I shared? I'm not saying that dating culture (or male expectations) are 100% the culprit, but I think those situations specifically are due to male expectations society has on men. This doesn't just include men who are out there targeting children (which becomes a completely different issue once they start going for children), but men as a whole.

Women's dating coach Matthew Hussey actually has a chart explaining this A small minority of men are out here doing creepy shit, the rest of the men do approach women but oftentimes wait for the right moment. But it doesn't change the fact we still expect men to do the heavy lifting initially.

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