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squirrel , avatar

ShoeOnHead is rehashing the usual right-wing talking points about how man are the actual victims of capitalism and society without acknowledging patriarchy in any meaningful way is exactly the kind of laundering of right-wing opinions that ShoeOnHead has done for years by now.

She has always been a right-wing grifter who enjoys pretending to engage with leftist thought in order to grift even harder. She is a deeply unserious person and any deeper engagement with her statements is a waste of anyone’s time.

Firebirdie713 ,

This right here. People forget that patriarchy doesn’t mean that men have no problems, just that social systems favor men.

If people want to watch some very good breakdowns of the current 'masculinity crisis’s and the reasons it exists, I would recommend watching Contrapoints, Swolesome, F.D. Signifier, Khadija Mbowe, Foreign Man in a Foreign Land, and anyone that they invite onto their episodes where they discuss men’s issues. Even if a particular episode deals specifically with trans men or black men, it is still worth watching, because we all live in the same system, it just affects us differently based on its categories and enforcement of labels.

My husband and I have been watching them for years, and a lot of these videos have helped him immensely, because they allow him to put his frustrations with lack of emotional intimacy and social support into words that make sense and aren’t immediately dismissed by therapists or family members, who are often perpetrators of these very biases.

Hacksaw ,


You know it’s right wing content as soon as it uses the victimizing “society has failed men and nobody cares”. Because that’s a good way to prepare someone for embracing the right wing death cult ideology. Why nurture society if it’s all against you?

Leftists use the empowering “break societal gender norms and toxic masculinity and embrace what is known to make you happy like close intimate friendships and shared vulnerability” but I’d love to see more content in this realm, the left is missing on a great opportunity here!

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