Personal Finance

Student loan interest resumes Friday and payments restart in October. Here’s what borrowers should know ( )

Interest will start accruing again on September 1, after rates were effectively set to 0% since March 2020 for federal student loans. Now, interest rates, which are fixed and vary by loan, will return to the same rate they were before the freeze.... | A place to help discover funds that don't support the Fossil Fuel Industry, or to check how much your current funds are invested into fossil fuels. ( )

Climate Town recently did a fantastic video detailing how banks use our money just sitting around in our account to invest in fossil fuels. Wanting to avoid this, I figured it’d be better to direct my money in an investment that’s at least a little less planet destroying, which lead me down this ecological rabbit hole that I...

Your ‘Set It and Forget It’ 401(k) Made You Rich. No More. — WSJ ( )

For four decades, patient savers able to grit their teeth through bubbles, crashes and geopolitical upheaval won the money game. But the formula of building a nest egg by rebalancing a standard mix of stocks and bonds isn’t going to work nearly as well as it has.

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