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fiat_lux ,

Delicious. Thanks for some good news today, I needed it.

I wish I could see the viewer retention graph for a video, I'd bet most people aren't making it even 10 minutes in to an episode.

haddockseyes OP ,

I think people on Twitter (especially on smartphones) and people watching TV have very different attention spans in the first place.

BrambleDog ,

I believe his Twitter show episodes are around 10 minutes long.

Knowledge Fight has been deconstructing them the last few weeks and they seem pretty short on content so far.

fiat_lux ,

Oh, good to know, thanks! I was curious but didn't want to accidentally boost his engagement by checking.

Not that he ever had content, just sealioning and agitprop.

chaogomu ,

Well, Tucker doesn't have all those Fox writers and researchers to fall back on anymore.

From the very beginning of his career, he's never actually known anything about, well, anything.

He's good at faking it, but that only works for the short term. After that it will be the same repetitive talking points.

SlowNPC , avatar

I want to see how many people have less than 10 or 15 sec watch time... like how many "video views" are just the video autoplaying in someone's feed as they scroll by?

3.8 mil "video views" is still more than the 3.3 mil viewers he got on Fox, but >2 sec is such a trash metric that I really have no idea how many people are actually watching.

fiat_lux ,

Most of these graphs look like f(x) = 1 / x for exactly that reason, and given how little I'm hearing about the show on non-Twitter social media, I have no reason to doubt it would be the same here.

The Swanson's heir can bankroll a lot of episodes though, so he might not give up as easily as other "media personalities". I think it will still be a blow to his ego though.

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