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fiat_lux ,

Well, I'm suitably terrified. That is a face of impending mischief.

Can placebo effect really help you heal faster and cure physical illness ? If so won't someone who works out too little but believes in himself too much get jacked beyond comprehension ?

What are the limits to it ? Exceptions etc. Context i saw vsauces " power of suggestions " video. Is the video scripted or was the kids conditions just not real like i can understand the girls condition may be cured through placebo but come on adhd and migraines immediatly cured ?

fiat_lux ,

Getting jacked is a physical process that requires mechanical damage and healing to individual muscle fibres all over the body in every muscle (unless targeting specific groups only).

Placebo effect is possibly the result of people actively influencing their hormone levels and balance to encourage hormones that promote healing. Specifically increasing serotonin, that we know plays a big role in sleeping, which is where you do most of your healing. Serotonin also makes your entire food to energy pipeline function. More energy allows more energy to be dedicated to healing. Serotonin is also used to create ATP, which activates the muscle fibres.

So I would guess that you could probably increase the speed of getting jacked via placebo effect because your chemical balance is altered to promote serotonin. But you couldn't be sedentary and get jacked. And you could maybe not outpace someone else getting jacked if they're spending more time exercizing than you.

Disclaimer: I am not medically trained, I'm just someone who has been forced by circumstance to learn about the endocrine system and its tyrannical rule over organisms.

fiat_lux ,

I rolled a natural 1 for END(ocrine function) in the womb and ended up with one of the comorbidities they didn't predict would be unfortunate with covid.

Unfortunately doctors know very little about hormones overall, which ironically makes it pretty easy to cover as a topic when researching possible ways to make your body do... the whole being alive thing. Serotonin happens to be one of the main hormones I'm tinkering with to try to partially unfuck what covid did to my brain.

fiat_lux ,

I had no idea these just... lived in Prague. City wildlife always surprises me even though we have plenty of our own

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  • fiat_lux ,

    This is just an ad for this guy's new investment fund. How much did Vice get to copy and paste paragraphs of the media release?

    And let's call them what they are: fiefdoms. We're readopting the political systems of the dark ages, that's how badly things are going wrong. Next minute, people will be dying in the Thielandia vs Zuckerbergland border disputes and the Musk Kingdom will plunder The Bezos Islands trade routes.

    fiat_lux , (edited ) version - but it's also just copy pasted quotes and the YouTube link from book promoter's media release posing as journalism. Please don't give the Kimmel video or this article clicks.

    Fuck Jimmy Kimmel too for platforming and enabling amoral grifters.

    The Rolling Stone should also reconsider posting PR media releases as articles. I'm sure the delta on the media release vs. final version would be... minimal. They're amoral grifters just as much as Trump, Hutchinson and Kimmel for the same enabler reasons.

    But given how toxic the Kimmel work-environment is, it's not surprising Kimmel is buddying up to a piece of shit. Scum collects on the surface like that.

    Chaos, Comedy, and ‘Crying Rooms’: Inside Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’ - Rolling Stone, 7th September 2023, the same magazine just under 1 month ago.

    Edit: formatting Edit 2: there are too many new-york-based late night tv hosts named Jimmy for me to remember properly. Serves me right.

    fiat_lux ,

    Ah shit, my brain just totally glossed over which late night tv host named Jimmy from New York around 50 who always wears a suit it was. Thanks, I appreciate the call out.

    fiat_lux ,

    I also sort of love how lawyers keep taking these cases, like it's somehow not the legal equivalent of a fly deliberately walking into a Venus fly trap.

    Nah, <NewLawyerName>, you got this. All the rest of those lawyers were never as smart as you! /s

    fiat_lux ,

    I like the quote "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with“. The longer I'm around, the more true it seems to be.

    We don't always get to choose who those 5 people are, unfortunately. But when we can we need to choose carefully who we want to be more like and how we are influenced. Avoiding bad influences would be pretty hard while working in the justice system.

    Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani definitely both chose poorly. I wonder how shitty they were as people beforehand though. Maybe they just found their soul-mates/cell-mates.

    "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor ( )

    Donald Trump has been on a prolific Truth Social tear, calling for the execution of a top US military general, vowing revenge on NBC Networks and demanding that Republican leaders take action against automatic voter registration to protect him from once again losing the popular vote. All of that was over the weekend. On Monday,...

    fiat_lux ,

    It's another "Russia, if you're listening". He's trying to call in the favours he's owed by Barrett and Kavanaugh. Probably Alito and Thomas too, although he didn't handpick them.

    I wonder if they're willing to let him rot now they already have what they want. I have no clue if Trump has any leverage left there.

    fiat_lux ,

    For anyone else wondering but who doesn't want to click:

    Manhattan prosecutors had looked into bringing criminal charges over the same conduct but declined to do so

    If not successfully appealed, the order would strip Trump of his authority to make strategic and financial decisions over some of his key properties in the state.

    So again, the worst punishment for the rich is having a small portion of their ill-gotten gains taken away. The people of Manhattan need to get on their prosecutor's cases and get some criminal charges going.

    fiat_lux ,

    Here's hoping, but I dont have much faith that they haven't already shell-gamed the good assets into other non-NY companies.

    fiat_lux ,

    I want to curl up with it and then mildly regret wearing black clothes when I wake up covered in white cat hair.

    fiat_lux ,

    Have you received your first purr yet? Did it feel like you'd won at life?

    fiat_lux ,

    Audio and video, I promise you both are good ideas!

    fiat_lux , (edited )

    I am so sick of health condition speculation of politicians. If they have a formal dìagnosis and release it publicly, fine. But this article is just pure conjecture.

    1. Not all memory issues are age-related or dementia or degenerative. While US politicians do trend extremely old and this increases the likelihood of having a disability, plenty of younger people have memory issues too that can get better or worse randomly. Covid fucked my memory hard.
    2. It's ableist to require peak health 24/7 from people, even your leaders. They have teams of people around them for a reason, to collect and provide accurate information. There are briefings and reports. Redundancy is built into the system, the President isn't the only source of truth. If a President becomes unable to perform their duties in a timely manner because of these problems, like Dianna Feinstein, then we can worry about that problem.
    3. Disability is an increasing issue, and climate change and future pandemics are going to increase the rates at which everyone experiences chronic health problems. 15% of all people globally self-identify as having a disability. If you live in a country with a life expectancy over 70, you can expect to spend an average of 8 years of your life with a disability. Globally, 49% of people over 60 have a disability. Protection of society from a single point of failure requires systemic change that builds in failsafes and enforces them. Build accommodations

    Trump isn't dangerous because his father had Alzheimers and he's (understandably) afraid of developing it. He's dangerous because he has a habit of making absurdly malicious power-hungry selfish decisions.

    fiat_lux ,

    perform the functions of the job

    After attempts have been made for accommodations and they have failed or the job description itself cannot be altered. Yes, in that situation it's fine.

    We don’t have a diagnosis for Trump, but there is clearly something deeply wrong with him

    We know what is wrong with him. He's extremely selfish and greedy. That is what disqualifies him to be a leader. Our speculations about his medical situation are unnecessary.

    Disability should not preclude you from work,but just like people without a disability, you seek roles you are suitable for. It’s not ableist to say someone with alzheimers and associated cognitive decline is not suitable for president.

    It's not ableist to say that someone with a predictably degenerative disease which is affecting their ability to make logical decisions, that we have no workarounds or treatment for, may be unable to fulfil the job requirements.

    It is ableist to suggest that any incidence of memory loss or shitty rhetoric or bad writing or family history is evidence of a degenerative disease and that they should not be eligible for a role because of it. Especially when that conjecture comes from people with no medical background or relation to the person in question.

    fiat_lux ,

    Jared Kushner saw his father go to jail in 2005. He just made sure that his father got a pardon in 2020.

    I think the goal is to "win" enough power/money that consequences don't apply, like his buddy Mohammed bin Salman.

    fiat_lux ,

    For anyone who wants more photos of the sweet little baby, more real information or just less business insider:

    The Alaskan Sealife Centre is a registered charity, and their rescue operations are expensive. Consider supporting their good work if you like it.

    fiat_lux , (edited )

    You don't need a wire bristle brush to do this. If you have a smaller brush head for your vacuum which fits the space, that will work fine. The last place I lived I had the same vacuum problem, but I had an old half-broken hairbrush I used to give the steps or wherever a quick once-over before vacuuming. It worked great. Silicone / Thermoplastic Elastomer / Rubber pet brushes work even better. The Kong Zoom Groom is great at this, but I'm sure you can find a cheaper version from similar materials.

    fiat_lux ,

    I love this so much. There's maybe no deeper trust than sleeping with your head nestled in a giant's hand.

    fiat_lux ,

    Your ding-dong is fabulous. This might be the only time I ever use that sentence. Thanks for providing this beautiful blep, it is a very welcome distraction in these trying times.

    White House condemns Fox News over 'dangerous and extreme' Holocaust comments from top host ( )

    The White House condemned Fox News on Tuesday over remarks made by one of its top hosts about the holocaust, denouncing the comments as a “horrid, dangerous, and extreme lie” that “insults the memory of the millions of people who suffered from the evils” committed by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime....

    fiat_lux ,

    "Utility kept you alive"

    What a condemnation of humanity it is when someone can say this and think it's a good thing.

    fiat_lux ,

    Too precious. How very dare the light be so bright.

    fiat_lux ,

    Are they usually this sweet to eachother or did you catch them having a moment?

    fiat_lux ,

    Ridiculously cute. I hope to see many more tail snuggling photos in the future.

    fiat_lux ,

    I just assumed the current place was a way of honeypotting dissenting organised accounts. It wouldn't be the first time place had mod/administrator drama. Granted last time they were just overwriting pixel data, but logging account id and timestamps in addition to a hex code is pretty trivial extra code.

    fiat_lux ,

    Oh that makes sense. He gets to tweak the active users numbers to minimise the loss but call it community engagement. Then he shows the investors that number and they think the protest hype is overblown. Plus keep CPI income from advertisers coming in while trying to pivot to crypto bullshit.

    fiat_lux ,

    The protests are also making it to more mainstream media like The Independent. Extra name recognition will be great in the less techy demographics.

    fiat_lux , (edited )

    They can flag the accounts and shadowban based on metrics. Keeps them in total user count, might drive more signups too afterwards. They know who writes "fuck spez" in comments, but they don't know which accounts are run by single people or coordinated groups. Place potentially provides some of that information.

    Reddit wants users who engage authentically with content, generate interesting content, and interact with ads. High-intent users, not people who coordinate to post "fuck spez" and bad-mouth Reddit.

    Whether they're forward planning enough to realise that is another issue altogether.

    fiat_lux ,

    I love him and his soft little kitten fluff glowing aura.

    fiat_lux ,

    I'm about 90% certain this is a baby sea otter. It's too fluffy and beavers have longer little fingers.

    fiat_lux ,

    No worries! Do you happen to know the original source? Orphan creatures make me sad, but I think it's valuable to credit the rehabilitation centres who are usually volunteers and relying on donations.

    fiat_lux ,

    Excellent, thanks!

    For extra context for others:

    This is a video of Joey the Sea Otter who was rescued in 2020 by Vancouver’s Marine Mammal Rescue Centre operated by non-profit conservation organization Ocean Wise.

    Joey now lives at Vancouver Aquarium.

    Views for Tucker Carlson’s new Twitter show have dropped 86 percent since its launch ( )

    His first show brought in over 26 million “video views,” which is a Twitter metric that records a view as anyone who watches a video for more than 2 seconds. While the metric’s reliability has been questioned, it has nevertheless declined significantly since the show’s launch, with Carlson’s most recent show only...

    fiat_lux ,

    Delicious. Thanks for some good news today, I needed it.

    I wish I could see the viewer retention graph for a video, I'd bet most people aren't making it even 10 minutes in to an episode.

    fiat_lux ,

    Oh, good to know, thanks! I was curious but didn't want to accidentally boost his engagement by checking.

    Not that he ever had content, just sealioning and agitprop.

    fiat_lux ,

    Most of these graphs look like f(x) = 1 / x for exactly that reason, and given how little I'm hearing about the show on non-Twitter social media, I have no reason to doubt it would be the same here.

    The Swanson's heir can bankroll a lot of episodes though, so he might not give up as easily as other "media personalities". I think it will still be a blow to his ego though.

    fiat_lux ,

    He looks like a completely different dog, yet his face never loses its sweetness. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!

    fiat_lux ,

    If you build it, they will come (to break it).

    fiat_lux ,

    Some beliefs along these lines have been used more recently in extremely religious places like Saudi Arabia.

    "If a woman drives a car, not out of pure necessity, that could have negative physiological impacts as functional and physiological medical studies show that it automatically affects the ovaries and pushes the pelvis upwards,” ...

    “That is why we find those who regularly drive have children with clinical problems of varying degrees,”

    From 2013, a cleric's arguments to deny Saudi women the right to drive

    Thankfully the ban on women drivers in Saudi Arabia was lifted in June 2018, but it took a lot to get there.

    fiat_lux ,

    A bunch of the complaints sound like the same complaints I've heard from many companies. But it also sounds like a shit place to work, with some arrogantly poor leadership decisions.

    Pretty predictable stuff from spez. If I were one of Reddit's seemingly innumerable VP's, I'd be questioning if my total compensation package is worth much anymore.

    fiat_lux ,

    The mighty hunter brings home a feast for their incompetent human children. So gracious.

    fiat_lux ,

    It makes sense when you consider how liberty has been constantly redefined over history by different cultural contexts. "Liberty" to these people has been taken to mean "Our freedom to raise our children as we see fit, free from unwanted external 'worldly' influences", akin to the Christian theological interpretation of liberty. The choice of word also taps into nationalist pride, so people can easily tell they're aligning with people who would describe themselves as being "patriots".

    It's an effective and insidious form of marketing that has ironically backfired on the US government, who have been perfectly happy to use the concept as a tool to get their citizens to sign up for the military and fuel the economy.

    fiat_lux ,

    I can't say I ever expected to see the Supreme Court rule on hypothetical situations. Modernity is wild.

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