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JonEFive OP , (edited )

National party leaders for the first time acknowledged Kennedy’s disruptive presidential bid with sharp criticism...

It’s a notable change from their previous approach, in which Democratic leaders and party officials hoped Kennedy would simply fade away on his own.

I don't know why they would think ignoring him was ever the way to go. Have they learned nothing? I understand the inclination to avoid giving him any extra attention, but ignoring the problem does not make it go away. We've seen how radical speech gets attention nowadays.

Then again, nothing democrats say will change the trajectory of his campaign. His followers do not care whether or not what he says is true or anti-semetic so long as it agrees with their world view.

I grieve for our country.

Unaware7013 ,

I think the aim is less at changing the minds of the people who have already fallen for this spoiler and help prevent more people for falling down that conspiracy rabbit hole, which could affect the trajectory of his campaign.

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