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News: Biden supporters exploit Republican’s $1 donation cashback campaign pledge: ‘I gave $1 to you and $20 to Biden’ ( )

Republican presidential candidate and North Dakota Gov Doug Burgum is offering $20 gift cards to donors who give $1 to his campaign — but some supporters of Joe Biden say they have been funneling the gift card money to the president’s re-election campaign.

JonEFive ,

And with that $1 donation, you will be on every campaign email donation list for the Republicans from now until the end of time. Word to the wise: If you ever give your email address to a campaign fund (republican, democrat or otherwise), make sure its an email you don't care about or can shut down. No matter how many times you unsubscribe, they just sell your list to the next campaign and use a slightly different name/email/organization to get around spam laws. I made the mistake of donating to a campaign once. Their overzealous and borderline illegal email marketing is what has made me decide to never donate again.

While this $20 for $1 might sound good, especially in the humorous context of taking that $20 gift card and donating it to an opponent, I'm not willing to give my info to a republican campaign and assume they're going to do the right thing and only use it for campaign related activities. Next thing you know, my name will be on the next FCC astroturf campaign about how I hate net neutrality.

JonEFive ,

Yup, I do this too now

JonEFive ,

The issue isn't unsubscribing itself, it's how they sell / have sold your information. I can unsubscribe, but the next campaign that buys that list from whatever sources they sold it to is just gonna start sending me crap again.

JonEFive ,

Honesty award

JonEFive ,

Susinct and savage. I like it.

For what it's worth, I think the community is doing just fine at pointing out that a direct link to DeSantis isn't presently verifiable, and it is creating reasonable discussion.

Reddit Refugee here venting

I’m in the post-ban blackpilled mode right no so please forgive me. I know reddit is falling apart but it isn’t happening fast enough. Is there any hope that the whole site will be destroyed? I really just want the whole site / app completely destroyed and thew Vichyite mods unable to have their power trips anymore.

JonEFive ,

I'm more satisfied with my experience here personally. I don't scroll for hours, I read a couple articles, maybe comment on them and move on. If I come across something interesting that isn't already posted in my community here, I'll actually post it because it might actually get some engagement.

One reddit, my post would either be removed by overzealous mods or generally ignored. I had one instance where I posted a question on r/askScience. I searched before I posted but couldn't find a post that asked the same question. A mod removed it saying that it was too similar to other posts. When I asked which post it was similar to, the mod said "You need to search for yourself, we aren't librarians" then muted me for 10 days so I couldn't respond. The sheer ego trip of the matter just appalled me. I thought that a community about scientific inquiry would be a bit more open, but nope - just as toxic as every other sub.

JonEFive ,

I'd say a significant decrease in valuation just before IPO is some consequence. Not enough to truly impact Spez personally mind you, but it's something.

JonEFive ,

Businesses valuations and a business' success overall unfortunately don't always correlate to what the business seemingly has to offer. In this case, reddit is not going to be sold as a community website, but rather a marketing tool.

It's as the saying goes - if the service is free, you're the product. I think there will be a decline in active users and overall engagement, which I suspect might lead to fewer ad impressions. Spez is banking on the fact that eliminating third party apps will make up for that.

So long as there is a critical mass of users - which there will be for the foreseeable future, and so long as Spez only goes half Musk and doesn't turn the site into an alt-right paradise, I see reddit potentially becoming profitable. Advertisers who have been scared away from Twitter/X might be looking to go somewhere safer and might find that in Reddit once all this controversy blows over.

And it will blow over in terms of relevance to advertisers. The API controversy doesn't concern the average person. Even a CEO being a petulant child is barely worth mentioning to most.

Reddit users assumed that the site was for them. Spez has made it clear that it is not, that it is for advertisers. As much as I hate to say it, there will be plenty of people jumping on the Reddit IPO from that perspective.

JonEFive OP , (edited )

National party leaders for the first time acknowledged Kennedy’s disruptive presidential bid with sharp criticism...

It’s a notable change from their previous approach, in which Democratic leaders and party officials hoped Kennedy would simply fade away on his own.

I don't know why they would think ignoring him was ever the way to go. Have they learned nothing? I understand the inclination to avoid giving him any extra attention, but ignoring the problem does not make it go away. We've seen how radical speech gets attention nowadays.

Then again, nothing democrats say will change the trajectory of his campaign. His followers do not care whether or not what he says is true or anti-semetic so long as it agrees with their world view.

I grieve for our country.

JonEFive OP ,

Assuming you meant the part about adding a label. Sorry, I missed that one. Updated the title to what I think should comply.

JonEFive OP ,

This comment has nothing to do with the content of the article. You're posing in a community to discuss politics in general. If you have an issue with any particular point the article makes, feel free to explain.

I personally agree with the perspective that we shouldn't elect people who make claims about infectious disease which are easily refuted by science.

Kennedy this week drew backlash for asserting without evidence that COVID-19 was “ethnically targeted” — a claim infectious disease and ethics experts refuted. Kennedy was caught on video by a reporter saying Chinese people and Ashkenazi Jews were not targeted as much as other races, including Black and white people.

New housing development in Gastonia requires ‘patriots’ to fly American flag ( )

The 1776 Gastonia housing development promises to blend patriotism and freedom, honoring the ideals that built this country. Developer Brock Fankhauser calls it a movement. Specifically, 1776 Gastonia is a planned community for people — or rather, "patriots" — 55 and up.

JonEFive ,

All completely missing the irony that forced speech is antithetical to free speech that patriots love so much.

JonEFive ,

I've been using a Synology NAS for years. I use file and photo sync and it works pretty well. I just set up Surveillance Station (their security camera recording software) and connected an inexpensive camera to it. It works really well although it took me a while to figure everything out.

If you're concerned about data loss, you can set up a backup to Amazon S3 or another backup/storage service or you can put a Synology NAS somewhere else and have it back up to that. You could also have it sync with a service like One Drive.

I like to tinker so I've set up a couple other things on it including a Plex server, pi hole, and a VPN Server. It's a pretty versatile device.

JonEFive ,

They don't care about the users who are making a fuss. In fact, they want those users to leave. They want the complacent social media users who can be easily monitized.

Idea: Fediverse community/"subreddit" explorer ( )

A problem many have realized is that there are many /tech, /gaming etc. communities in different instances/servers. There is already , so I think it wouldn't be too hard to make a service that periodically roams the fediverse, checks for example the last 100,000 submissions of each (or top 100 active...

JonEFive ,

It isn't "arbitrary" though. ActivityPub is just a baseline protocol that supports interoperability. Apps like Lemmy and Kbin build upon that framework, but also implement their own unique features and interfaces.

There's definitely value to being able to specifically search for Lemmy instances or things coming from Lemmy as much as any other fediverse app. But to your point, that could be handled through a filter on a much larger whatever set of data.

JonEFive ,

They simply don't care. They don't see the problem with it, and no matter how you explain it, privacy is just never a priority for these people.

JonEFive ,

Is this particular individual the unfit mother?

JonEFive ,

New barely newsworthy post appears.

JonEFive ,

Hey cool, my first opportunity to block a troll on the fediverse!

JonEFive ,

Why not? They've all pretty much decided that it's cool to say the quiet parts out loud now.

JonEFive ,

It's a lot like Twitter. Twitter was doing alright prior to Musk. Their user base was as strong and plentiful as ever. There have always been shitty users and toxic corners but Twitter did their best to downplay that and highlight the better parts of their platform. They did their best to walk that fine line between moderation and censorship.

But with Musk spending $44bn so that he could meme without consequence and restore accounts of politically powerful people to gain favor, along with him gutting all of the departments that did the moderation, the site has gone from a legitimate place to interact to a well known cesspool of toxicity that users and corporations are starting to shy away from. Turns out that getting rid of moderators might not be such a good idea.

There are still a great many users on Twitter who are actively participating and that won't change anytime soon. But the ratio of good content to bad has changed and Twitter's reputation both as a company and as a platform has been tarnished. Twitter isn't going anywhere, but many people have grown weary of the antics and moved on. And that's what we're seeing of reddit right now. The only difference is the simultaneous mass, organized exodus of users from reddit vs the more gradual enshitification of Twitter.

JonEFive ,

Same. I've been using NameCheap for years. I have 3 or 4 domains for different things. I really just need a registrar to hold my names and DNS which rarely changes. My domains auto-renew every year and I barely have to think about it. They're fine for my needs, no complaints.

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