TokenBoomer ,

It is not my intent to shame anyone for doing what they think is right. If you think voting for Biden is the right thing. Do it. Don’t let some guy on the internet tell you otherwise. But if someone chooses not to vote or vote third party, we should try to understand and respect their choice. This electoral system creates a false dichotomy that you don’t have a choice. There’s always another choice. By not participating or voting third party you’re making that choice. A lot of the left is tired of this game. Advocating for a third party is working outside the system. I’m not a moral absolutist, I’m a realist. Voting for Biden won’t change the system. Insanity is voting for Democrats election after election and expecting substantial change. Raise the minimum wage with executive order. Stop drilling for oil. Our planet is dying. Again, I’m voting for Biden to fight fascism, knowing full well that Democrats aren’t the answer. But I don’t begrudge those that want more and vote third party.

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