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Biden Campaign Memo Claims Florida Is “Winnable” Though Polls Say Otherwise ( )

Despite some tough odds pitted against them, the campaign team for President Joe Biden believes they can “flip” Florida to his win column in the 2024 presidential election, due to a number of issues they think will resonate with voters in that state, particularly abortion rights....

TokenBoomer ,

Actually, you shot 💯 % of the takes you don’t miss.

— Gain Wetski

TokenBoomer ,

Calm, level-headed truth. You are the hero of the internet today for me. Start a substack and I will subscribe. Thanks

TokenBoomer ,

The Wisconsin plan to overturn an election ( )

Wisconsin Republicans are already thinking of impeachment for the state’s newest Supreme Court justice, Insider reported. Janet Protasiewicz handily won her seat in April on a platform heavily focused on abortion rights, giving the court a 4-3 liberal majority after a long period of conservative control. But it’s her...

TokenBoomer ,

The decline of America is ridiculously funny, if you don’t live there.

In Defense of Drug Decriminalization—Yes, in Oregon ( )

In November 2020, facing a record-breaking overdose crisis, voters in Oregon decided to take a chance on a novel approach to drug use in this country. That fall, voters overwhelmingly approved a measure to decriminalize possessing small amounts of some controlled substances, including heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. This...

TokenBoomer ,

Maybe we should find out why people are turning to drugs to mollify their discontent?

Take another look at Joe Biden. His is the presidency progressives have been waiting for. ( )

The tragedy of Joe Biden is that people see his age, his frailty and his ailing poll numbers and they miss the bigger story. Which is that his has been a truly consequential presidency, even a transformational one. In less than three years, he has built a record that should unify US progressives, including those on the radical...

TokenBoomer ,

As a progressive- Fuck No!

TokenBoomer ,

That was dismissive, and immature. And doesn’t address the article or the disagreements with it.

TokenBoomer ,

ITT: Liberals coping because capitalism is destroying our society.

TokenBoomer ,

Congratulations, you just solved economics.

What we know about Mitch McConnell’s health and his future in the Senate ( )

McConnell’s term is up in 2027, and he’s ensured that if he were to retire before then, anyone who replaces him would have to be a Republican. In 2021, he pushed for the passage of a new law in Kentucky that requires the governor to appoint a Senate replacement from the same party as the previous senator and from a list of...

TokenBoomer ,

Blankets serve a purpose. Don’t sleep on them. /s

TokenBoomer ,

Thanks for realizing it’s still capitalism’s fault. I was beginning to think no one would notice.

I Set Out to Create a Simple Map for How to Appeal Your Insurance Denial. Instead, I Found a Mind-Boggling Labyrinth. ( )

It’s especially complicated in oncology, said Dr. Barbara McAneny, a former president of the American Medical Association who runs a 6,000-patient oncology practice in Albuquerque, New Mexico....

The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned ( )

After the network showed a clip of a young conservative activist saying that climate change was the number one issue for young voters, Fox News moderator Martha MacCallum asked for a show of hands in response to her question, “Do you believe human behavior is causing climate change?”...

TokenBoomer ,

The scariest thing to me was when they talked about invading Mexico 👀

TokenBoomer ,

Do you have a source that this is funded by Republican donors?

TokenBoomer ,

Some of us aren’t Democrats. We’ve just never had another choice. I welcome anyone that pushes the conversation more left. If he does get on the ballot as a spoiler, I won’t vote for him. But I can’t fault those who do.

TokenBoomer ,

So left-leaning voters can’t ask for more? It’s by design. At some point the table must be overturned. Why not now?

TokenBoomer ,

I’ve watched this play out my entire life. The Democrats are moving to the right, not the left. They won’t allow reform. Bernie proved that. Voting harder isn’t gonna do it.

TokenBoomer ,

Americans are innovators, we can do both. A great American poet once said, “Fortune favors the bold!”

TokenBoomer ,

I don’t think it’s self-defeating. By maintaining the status quo and never giving the left what it actually wants, the Dems doom themselves to this scenario. At some point in the future, voter disillusionment WILL result in a Republican president. Then Fascism will rule. It may happen anyway due to Republican state legislatures and the Supreme Court. All because establishment Democrats won’t give up power. Martin Luther King said it best, “Justice too long delayed, is justice denied.” They want you to wait for change so they can keep bilking corporate coffers. I’m too old to wait any longer. I’m tired of waiting!

TokenBoomer ,

Your vote maintains the Status Quo. Why would Democrats offer ranked choice voting, it is against their interests? I’m not saying vote for Cornel West over Joe Biden in the general election. I’m advocating supporting a third party candidate to force the Democrats to answer to the left.

TokenBoomer ,

The Democrats “aren’t actively rolling us backwards.” This is where we disagree. It’s theratchet effect. The reason the Democrats seem like Republicans from the 70’s and 80’d is because they’re the same. They’re NEVER going left! And voting for them isn’t going to change that. Again, I’m not ceding to fascism. Vote for Joe Biden. But try to understand why someone might be disaffected.

TokenBoomer ,

Have you ever seen the 80’s movie Wargames. When presented with two undesirable outcomes, the best choice is not to play.

TokenBoomer ,

You get it.

TokenBoomer ,

Some may disagree. If I don’t like either candidate and choose not to vote. I am NOT consenting to either outcome. That’s a false dichotomy. Not voting can be a protest vote. If I give you a choice between dying by gas chamber, or by firing squad. And you choose neither. You’re not consenting to death by firing squad.

TokenBoomer ,

See, the thing is; you think you can stop fascism by voting for Democrats. I think a vote for Dems only delays the inevitable. Real, structural change is needed to stop the fascism. The Democrats aren’t going to stop it because they’re owned by corporations. They won’t allow themselves to be reformed because the current system works for them. “If you don’t vote for us you get fascism.” I’m not advocating for not voting. I’m proposing an understanding of why people choose not to vote or vote third party. Regarding mutually assured destruction, both parties aren’t doing enough about climate change. We’re still subsidizing fossil fuels. Biden just opened up more land for drilling. As for the quote, I don’t think it’s analogous. Not voting or voting third party can be a protest vote. So a good man is doing something. He’s protesting.

TokenBoomer ,

It is not my intent to shame anyone for doing what they think is right. If you think voting for Biden is the right thing. Do it. Don’t let some guy on the internet tell you otherwise. But if someone chooses not to vote or vote third party, we should try to understand and respect their choice. This electoral system creates a false dichotomy that you don’t have a choice. There’s always another choice. By not participating or voting third party you’re making that choice. A lot of the left is tired of this game. Advocating for a third party is working outside the system. I’m not a moral absolutist, I’m a realist. Voting for Biden won’t change the system. Insanity is voting for Democrats election after election and expecting substantial change. Raise the minimum wage with executive order. Stop drilling for oil. Our planet is dying. Again, I’m voting for Biden to fight fascism, knowing full well that Democrats aren’t the answer. But I don’t begrudge those that want more and vote third party.

TokenBoomer ,

Read this article:…/food-systems-collapse-plutocrat…

Just keeping it real. We don’t have time for “slight improvements” and compromises. We need action now.

TokenBoomer ,

Yeah, full luxury gay communism by 2025?

TokenBoomer ,

Most boomers aren’t Nazis, they are just victims of capitalism and a poor education system. You and I can see through the capitalist realism. They can’t, or are reactionary when the dissonance created by a changing world confronts them.

TokenBoomer ,

Hope they have to answer for every cent. Otherwise, it’ll just end up in some cowboys pockets

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