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ganksy , avatar

While well intentioned, in the hands of the right the agency could what the supreme court is doing now for big tech.

DarraignTheSane , avatar

It’s either something like this, or you trust big tech corporations to police themselves. Do you have a 3rd option?

Aatube , avatar

I prefer the second.

DarraignTheSane , avatar

“Corporate self governance” doesn’t exist. Whatever fucks the consumer for more profit is the only rule they follow.

Aatube , avatar

I'd prefer the current state of affairs than the tech industry getting restricted by a budge SCOTUS. It doesn't exist, but it's still better than the other, since the SCOTUS people probably benefit corporate anyways

DarraignTheSane , avatar

Yeah, I’m not even sure which option I’m in favor of. It’s a shit situation all around.

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