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theodewere , avatar

they're doing their best to cause as much chaos as possible, yeah.. that's all they've got.. like comic book villains throwing babies out windows so Spidey can't end their reign of terror..

grahamsz ,

It's the right play politically. Consider if the roles were reversed.

If Bernie Sanders was arrested for breaking into Walmart headquarters and demanding they unionize, he'd absolutely say something like "It's not about breaking the law, it's about standing up for the millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet while the Walton family continues to amass wealth. That's what this is about. It's not about me, it's about us."

His supporters believe in his cause and they'd absolutely eat that up. I don't really get why people are so into thuggish authoritarian rule - but if that's what gets you up in the morning, then seeing Trump admit to this is surely exciting.

HandsHurtLoL ,

It's fun to completely make shit up about other people, isn't it?

grahamsz ,

I was trying to come up with a hamfisted analogy and clearly missed the mark.

I'm pretty sure Bernie has actually been arrested at civil rights protest, so that's probably a better example. I actually think that makes him more qualified to be president.

Presumably trump enthusiasts feel similarly about his mounting list of felonies. I think that should immediately disqualify him from being considered as a candidate, but a lot of people obviously don't and I have to assume that's because they believe in authoritarian psuedo-dictatorship in the same way I believe in civil rights.

999 ,

I think it was a good point. It was just misinterpreted by someone who is hoping to get into an argument, I think. :)

theodewere , avatar

Consider if the roles were reversed.

i won't consider any of that, because it's completely divorced from reality

grahamsz ,

I think you have your head in the sand.

In a rational world this would completely shatter his chances for any presidential nomination from a major party (or probably the first indictment would)

However, there are a good number of people who believe so firmly in trump that they'll view this in exactly the same light as a left wing leader being arrested at a civil rights protest or admitting they smoked weed. To them this is a feather in his cap, it burnishes his credentials as being anti-establishment and proves whatever batshit conspiracy theories he's spouting.

I think democrats are too quick to overlook that risk and I think that's dangerous.

theodewere , (edited ) avatar

you have your head in the sand.

son, your head is inside a bucket of crabs, riding a Tilt-o-Whirl

doublejay ,

It isn’t really .


It’s a good point clumsily made.

We all know that Bernie’s arguments have always been sincere and fact based. We know that Trumps are dishonest and held for his convenience, but the magas Don’t know or don’t care

theodewere , avatar

It’s a good point clumsily made.

i disagree

doublejay ,

Elections 101: at all costs, avoid an informed and rational electorate

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