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jeebus , avatar

It seems becoming the President of the USA was the worst thing to ever happen to him. His ego is going to be crushed.

wagesj45 , avatar

I don't think he really has the mental capacity to have his ego be crushed. He might rail and rage at perceived injustices, but I'm not sure that he actually can sense a bruised ego. I doubt he can feel doubt about himself for the same reason he says stupid, self destructive things.

Trump gets a lot of shit for being dumb, but I'm not convinced. At least not in the way people seem to think. I think he does and says the things he does because his mind is literally broken in some fundamental way that doesn't allow him to act in his own (actual) best interest. I've made the argument before that he's actually pretty on the ball when it comes to attacking someone and having a keen eye for what makes others weak and how to exploit it. But the blind spot when it comes to himself is debilitating and he's only coast along in life because of a combination of (inherited) money, chutzpah, and bringing out people's most base and selfish instincts (another thing he excels at).

I think he's broken. He says dumb stuff cause he brain just won't let him see his own flaws.

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