@wagesj45@kbin.social cover
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]

Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.

XMPP: [email protected]
Mastodon: [email protected]
Blog: jordanwages.com

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wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

That might not be entirely the case here. If you are far enough up the looks-ladder to be considered "good looking", that puts you in a much higher starting position relative to everyone else, especially other men. Because according to women, most men are ugly (or at least "less attractive than average"). I'd assume that if you're that conventionally attractive, you're going to get better treatment from other men too, even straight ones.

"Good looking" men are just very rare, it seems. It makes sense to me they'd get a bigger boost in socioeconomic rating from that alone. Less to share the spoils with, as it were.

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

Sounds great on paper but there's tons that can go wrong. Don't forget all those billions that got paid or for national Internet infrastructure that the cable companies just pocketed.

I'll save my praise for when the trains start running.

flatearth , to Fediverse

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  • wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar


    lol no

    Trump drops lawsuit against New York fraud judge ( www.rawstory.com )

    Donald Trump has dropped a last-resort lawsuit against the judge overseeing his New York fraud trial. The former president's attorneys withdrew their lawsuit against Justice Arthur Engoron, which had been seen as a long-shot attempt to stop his real estate empire from being dismantled after he f...

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    I don't think he really has the mental capacity to have his ego be crushed. He might rail and rage at perceived injustices, but I'm not sure that he actually can sense a bruised ego. I doubt he can feel doubt about himself for the same reason he says stupid, self destructive things.

    Trump gets a lot of shit for being dumb, but I'm not convinced. At least not in the way people seem to think. I think he does and says the things he does because his mind is literally broken in some fundamental way that doesn't allow him to act in his own (actual) best interest. I've made the argument before that he's actually pretty on the ball when it comes to attacking someone and having a keen eye for what makes others weak and how to exploit it. But the blind spot when it comes to himself is debilitating and he's only coast along in life because of a combination of (inherited) money, chutzpah, and bringing out people's most base and selfish instincts (another thing he excels at).

    I think he's broken. He says dumb stuff cause he brain just won't let him see his own flaws.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Oh man, if service workers can unionize, we may finally be able to rid ourselves of this tipping culture we all hate so much. God speed, service workers. Really pulling for you.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Kinda yes. But also kinda no, because they're already trying to squeeze as much as possible before everyone breaks. Anything they can do, they were going to do already. They might have something new to blame it on, but I don't think any particular squeezing will be the fault of the striking workers.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Oh yeah I get that. I wasn't hating on you. Just making my own little side point that they're squeezing as much as they can from the patients. Giving more to the labor side wouldn't make patients have anymore to give. Blood from a stone and all that. :)

    "It's the content, stupid." - Quick Notes to Supercharge K.Bin ( kbin.social )

    Like you, I'm a passionate user of K.Bin but lately, I'm noticing that things are getting kinda stale around here. The most recent thread in this, the top-level magazine on K.Bin, is 4 days old. Many other top 25 magazines are also suffering from a similar lack of fresh content. I run /m/scifi and it's been continuing to grow...

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    It's time to start posting links to our own blogs, again. Reddit brainwashed us into thinking that "self advertisement" was a bad thing. What they actually wanted you to do was instead turn your content into text posts on reddit itself so that we'd get locked into the platform.

    Self advertise. Write interesting things on your blog and then share your posts here.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    and if the content is not interesting, it falls by the wayside with no votes. the creme rises, the cruft falls. with more volume, your will get more cruft, but also more creme.

    reddit gets tons of spam and absolute garbage posts, but the volume and user voting brings good stuff out.

    there will be some shitty blogs, but i think that's an ok price to pay for more content being posted.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    They have hard-coded list of domains to disallow logging in. Logging in will redirect them to a rickroll video instead of the instance's login interface.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Husky is a good alternative.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    They're certainly shitty instances. They're free to block them if they want, since you can always just fork the source and remove that bit.

    But I don't think that the project is associated with any particular instance that it allows you to log in to. They're taking a definite negative stance. They're associating themselves, just as anti rather than pro.

    Personally, I think it's a little silly. Despite the term being overused (and not even being a bad thing usually), its a classic example of the annoying kind of virtue signaling. Doing a silly little thing that makes no difference at all while trying to make yourself look good to peers. It's like they want credit for taking on the "extremist" instances, by doing a bunch of nothing other than some mild finger waggling.

    Retouching Skin in GIMP ( jordanwages.com )

    When editing photos, one of the first things you'll want to do is "fix" the skin of your subjects. I've fumbled around with this for years. I use almost exclusively open source tools like GIMP for my work, which while extremely powerful, often lack most of those automatic tools and niceties present in paid products like...

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Time for the silent majority to get off it's ass, then.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    I'm just hoping that the actual majority is at least mildly progressive so we can keep things moving forward. And it is definitely time for that progressive majority, if it exists, to stop being silent. Part of having free speech is the burden of speaking up and flooding the public square with good and honorable speech.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    That's what worries me.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Still not serious about all this, huh. I have a hard time telling if he's legitimately losing it or just playing around hoping to run out the clock. Probably a combination of both, but this just seems like the worst way to handle this situation. And yet, he keeps getting away with it.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Now just imagine how much us techbros could make in engineering if we unionized.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Yes. The difference is that its corporations doing the the majority of the propagandizing rather than the government directly. But propaganda is propaganda.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Gotta live on the edge, man. Open up your router. All ports. Firewalls are for pansies. Connect your laptop directly to the modem. Enable ssh and rdp. What could go wrong?

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    and a regular fediverse instance

    what exactly is this other service you're running?

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    I'm not entirely sure how it holds up under spotty conditions, but have you looked into something like OwnCloud, which has an Android client that will automatically backup photos and videos from the camera app to the server.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    All those reasons boil down to "I don't feel like learning anything new at this point in my life. If it isn't easy enough for a toddler I don't want it."

    The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a ‘mouse’. There is no evidence that people want to use these things. I don’t want one of these new fangled devices.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Gotta get yourself weened from those engagement algorithms. The early internet was a wild west of links and word-of-mouth and reputation. That's what we're going back to. The withdrawals will be worth it in the end.

    The nature of venture capitalism and the demand for infinite growth is going to grind the humanity out of any corporate project over a long enough time span. We're gonna have to learn the old ways of what the Internet is supposed to be.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    I wouldn't want to get my news from a source that may be lying to my face.

    I have bad news for you lol.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Fuck them. They don't get to own freedom of speech. In fact I'm gonna use mine right now: Fuck Meatball Ron.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Being gay or trans is also inherent, and because of societal push back, we've decided that being proud of those immutable attributes is appropriate. Masculinity gets a bad wrap in a lot of ways, and the healthy expressions of it should be something to be proud of, in my opinion.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    I'm not keeping score here. Even if I were, I wouldn't argue that men have it "as bad" as these hyper-marginalized groups. But I do think that there are positive and healthy aspects of masculinity that should be celebrated and that we should be proud of. Just like femininity.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    As repulsive a move as this is, I'm afraid that the DC law almost certainly won't apply in this case. This was done as part of her official "speech" as a representative.

    The speech and debate clause, which appears in Article 1, section 6, of the U.S. Constitution, was written before the First Amendment and has a more limited scope.

    The clause, whose inclusion reflected the development in England of an independent Parliament, states that “for any Speech or Debate in either House, they [members] shall not be questioned in any other Place.” It follows a provision, now largely moot, that prevents the arrest, for civil cases, of members traveling to or from sessions of Congress.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    As shitty as it was, it is almost certainly explicitly constitutionally protected. She could be censured or expelled from congress, but it was not a crime by virtue of being done in her capacity as a representative.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    The text of the SDC is very broad. Any limitation on it would almost certainly have to come from the Supreme Court.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Now that I don't know. If so, then I suspect she'd no longer be covered, unless a court were to interpret speech pertaining to her role as congressperson anywhere to be the same as "in either house". I could see a good faith argument for it, but if Judge Wagesj45 was on the case, I don't think I'd rule in their favor.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Depends on what a court decides "in either house" to mean. Does it mean physically in the House or Senate chambers? Does it mean "in furtherance of their duties as a congressperson"? I know how I would rule, but I don't know how the Supreme Court would rule.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    My general rule of thumb is "whatever the conservatives want."

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    He has the Trump crazy, but not the Trump rizz. Trump is undeniably entertaining to watch, even as he burns shit down around him.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Sounds like copium to me. We have a few good things going for us, but to say we're far and above every other country is insanity.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    No one said balkanization was a good thing. Just that it happens, and is currently happening, being driven by multi-billion dollar media corporations trying to inflame a culture war to keep the lower classes occupied. They were too successful, and the wheels are starting to come off.

    We might be able to fix it, but the current trajectory is pretty clear.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Like I said, there are some things we do extremely well. Sharing the wealth of the country amongst the citizens of the country is something we fail at miserably. My personal favorite thing is the first amendment to the constitution because I happen to value freedom of thought. Another thing we tend to do really well. Our culture also has a certain resilience that I appreciate. I only hate on America because I know what it could be if there was collective pushback on the oligarchy that seems to have so many of us in a trance.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    This is probably the most humane answer. But it would certainly be cathartic to see a bunch of dipshit millionaires and climate change deniers lose everything.

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    A barely necessary evil given how tight everything is. I wouldn't feel bad if he stepped on a lego, though.

    wagesj45 OP ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Nothing wrong with practical. I'll often name a VM by what service is going on to it as a temporary measure until I'm sure it's going to work out and give it its final name.

    wagesj45 OP ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar


    wagesj45 OP ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    Might I suggest self hosting a wiki to keep track of all the hostnames and what they host? :3

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    At some point the responsibility falls on the workers to unionize. I'm aware that is painful. It is also the only true answer because if we wait on the corporate overlords to benevolently raise wages to an acceptable living standard and disband tipping, we'll be waiting forever.

    It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages ( www.miamiherald.com )

    Donald Trump had recently finished a familiar riff about banning gender transition surgery for children when the former president, speaking to an audience of Evangelical voters, moved on to something new: a policy that would affect transgender adults. “I will ban all taxpayer funding for sex or gender transitions at any...

    wagesj45 ,
    @wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

    We need to wake the fuck up. They'll come for every last one of us they consider degenerate in the end.

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