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unconsciousvoidling ,

Why does the law treat this guy like he’s special? He has 78 felony charges and he’s still walking around on the street spewing bullshit and inciting violence. I’m skeptical that he will be held accountable if he puts witnesses in danger with inflammatory public statements.

spaceghoti OP ,

This judge has already encountered him once, and he didn’t enjoy the experience. If anyone is willing and capable of bringing him to heel, it’s Judge Chutkan. She doesn’t tolerate his shit and he knows it, which is why he’s requesting a change of venue.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

But that’s ignoring the point that anyone normal person would be in jail based purely on attempted intimidation towards the legal system. If he didn’t have people at every level of govt choking on his micro penis he’d have already been tried by now

spaceghoti OP ,

I don’t disagree, he’s still getting special treatment and he doesn’t deserve it. But like it or not, he’s claiming political persecution and the judge can’t ignore the political ramifications of that. So she’s being cautious and giving him just enough rope to hang himself with. The odds are excellent that he’ll ignore her clear warning and attempt to intimidate witnesses anyway. At that point the record will show that he earned custody in a way that no one can seriously dispute (not that this will stop Fox News and Republicans anyway).

It’s not fair, but she is playing this smart.

SGforce ,

He was always going to claim that. That’s his position on everything. Caving to any demand will only give him cause to do it again and louder next time.

spaceghoti OP ,

You and I both know that, but that’s how the game is being played. It’s a huge fucking problem that demands reform, but Republicans have been in lockstep trying to block any attempt to constrain their corruption. And when this goes to the Supreme Court with the current justices on the bench, don’t be surprised if they find some convoluted argument that protects Republican privilege over the public good.

This is the world we created when we pretended Hillary wasn’t the better option and allowed Trump to win.

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