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hogunner ,

I’m sure he’ll deliver the goods this time, right guys? Right?

Anticorp ,

Right after JFK comes back from the dead to declare him the 14th president, or whatever the fuck number they think it is.

hogunner , (edited )

Lmao there’s been so much craziness I’d actually forgotten about this one. Man the history books that eventually come out about the last 8 years are going to be nuts.

bitsplease ,

Honestly I think a lot of it is just going to get glossed over specifically because it’s so messy. Sure there will be loads of nonfiction books about this BS - but I doubt that kids in school will learn about Q-Anon and shit lol

givesomefucks ,

Jordan Klepper went to Dallas like a month after, and there were still idiots standing around saying JFK would be back any second.

Not many, but there were still some.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

This was before my time explain pls.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Qanon got it into their tiny little heads that JFK Jr was alive, or risen from the dead, and would lead them to their promised white Christian ethnostate or something.

I maintain, as my personal unfounded theory, some rot-brain heard RFK Jr was on their team and assumed it was a typo, then decided to start writing a fan fic.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Okay this is... interesting, and not in a good way.

Teon , avatar

He and the MyPillow guy are gonna show us libs up! They will PWN us.
We should all be terrified!!1!11!!!! /s

Delphia ,

I mean, I think the guy is absolutely nuttier than squirrel shit and a complete fuckstain.

But just imagine the absolute shitstorm if he did actually have proof that the election was rigged against him.


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