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Anticorp ,

Cancel and demand a refund. Also tell them that they’re poop faces and have poop for faces.

Anticorp ,

You’re looking for logical consistency where none exists.

Anticorp ,

The brain and the soul make the man, not the body. Unless we’re talking about Mr. Universe champions, or other elite athletes.

Anticorp ,

Obama did do a great job compared to everyone within 8 years on either side of him.

Anticorp ,

Hillary wasn’t likable. The DNC is to blame for pushing an unlikable, unpopular candidate. They’d rather lose with Hillary, than win with Bernie, so that’s what they did. That is not new behavior for them. Plus trump resonated with a lot of fed up idiots, so he got votes. Thankfully he didn’t get enough votes the second time around.

Anticorp ,

Woah there cowboy! Let’s not get too spur happy.

Anticorp ,

There’s something wrong with your pancake.

Anticorp ,

My friend in Los Angeles has a rent controlled apartment. He’s paying $1,100 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment in West Hollywood. Meanwhile my landlord has raised my rent 22% in the last two years.

Not a classic lunatic, but this person seems to be doomposting on linkedin ( )

Alt text: two posts from the same person on LinkedIn. First post is someone dressed as spiderman lying on the ground in a park while it rains. Second post is an apparently naked person floating in a water body in a boat with their limbs hanging out.

Anticorp ,

Of course you believe you can manifest your destiny when your dad gives you whatever you say you want.

Anticorp ,

Of course it’s a scam. “We’ll keep your money for ourselves and never give it back if you don’t spend it this calendar year”? Get the fuck out of here! That’s not to mention the hurdles they make you jump through every time you actually use it, having to upload or mail receipts, fill out forms, etc…

Anticorp ,

These are rails, not crows. Actual baby crows are pretty ugly.

Anticorp ,

There’s a Home Depot song? Like a radio jingle?

Anticorp ,

People think of a billion as 10-100x more than a million. It’s one thousand million.

Anticorp ,

“Well double dumb ass on you!”

–Captain James T. Kirk

Seriously though there are so many scenes with Picard laying down some wisdom that it is difficult to pick one. I suppose I would go with:

“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not failure, that is life.”

–Captain Jean Luc Picard

Anticorp ,

The plural of sheep is sheep, not sheeps.

Anticorp ,

Awesome! That’s the best theater in Seattle and everyone was disappointed when it closed.

Anticorp ,

You just need to hit the angled part of the scissor blades a couple of times with the file, following the already established angle. The file is probably too coarse to make a smooth edge though. So you have anything to finish up with? A honing steel or something?

Anticorp ,

After struggling to find a house for 1.5 years we finally found one and are on the verge of backing out because of ever-increasing rates.

Chicago Police Officers Appeared on Membership List of Extremist Oath Keepers Group ( )

Reporting by Chicago public radio station WBEZ, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has identified nine current and at least 18 former members of the Chicago Police Department on past internal rosters of the Oath Keepers obtained by OCCRP. The investigation identified another 12...

Anticorp ,

What oaths are they keeping? Have they even made an oath?

Anticorp , (edited )

When we got called back to the office at my last job, it cost me about $65 per day to go to work. There was gas of course, but then there were tolls both ways, parking fees, and lunch. It was ridiculous. $10 both ways in tolls, $22 parking $15+ for lunch, plus gas. Before the pandemic there had been an employee shuttle that I used to negate all of those fees, but it wasn’t available after the pandemic. I ended up finding another job and quitting when they wouldn’t entertain letting me stay remote. The stupidest part was that I would commute an hour both ways (because of traffic), and spend all that money, just to sit at a desk by myself and teleconference with my team who was in a different state. The entire team folded a few months after I left since their other two key engineers left too.

Anticorp ,

At my last job it cost $22-$26 per day to park, depending on which parking garage had availability.

Anticorp ,

$15 for iranian meat

Cannibalism is illegal.

Anticorp ,

This is unreasonable. Just change the earth’s tilt on its axis. The other solution will only lead to confusion.

Anticorp ,

Please don’t. They’ll fuck it up with poor writing, thinking SFX alone is enough to carry it, when DS9 was always about the writing.

Anticorp ,

If they hire outstanding writers then I’d be interested in a show about Jake after his dad disappeared. Follow that timeline and show Jake’s struggle. It doesn’t really need to happen though and it would be very high risk.

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....

Anticorp ,

are currently between 27 and 42 years old — are significantly more likely to want to do some form of paid work during retirement.

Want is not the right word there, and it completely changes the message. This is a fucking hit job, trying to convince people that company executives stealing pension plans, and a failed society that abandons its elderly, is something young people desire.

Anticorp ,

It is, and what’s unfortunate is that on a long enough timeline, it works.

Anticorp ,

I would have retired 20 years ago if I could. I will never understand people that say they don’t know what they’d do with themselves in retirement. What unimaginative and boring people they must be. I have a thousand interests I can’t fully pursue because of work obligations.

Anticorp ,

Except for that one who shot at a customer a couple of weeks ago because he told her she forgot his French fries.…/fast-food-worker-shoots-at-customer…

Anticorp ,

Good luck buying a house in Seattle on a $170,000 salary. It’s going to be a beat-down, tiny thing, with no yard, in a questionable area.

Anticorp ,

We’re sorry, but nothing actually qualifies as an emergency. Claim denied!

Anticorp ,

Idk if he still is, but he was a really big deal in Japan for awhile.

Anticorp ,

I’ve read that all math breaks down as you approach the big bang. I’m not educated enough in math to understand how, or why, but apparently they cannot mathematically understand the origin of the universe.

Anticorp ,

My understanding is that it has a 14 billion light-year radius from any given point. We can only see 14 billion light years away, since the universe is only 14 billion years old (actually 13.8). Light can only travel at a given speed, so we can’t see beyond the distance light has traveled during the existence of the universe. But since the universe expanded in all directions, from everywhere all at once, it’s truly infinite. If you were to teleport 14 billion light-years in any direction, you would still see 14 billion years away, since the universe expanded from that point too during the big bang. It’s mindfuck level stuff.

Anticorp ,

How can we see 46 billion years away? I’ve never heard that before.

Anticorp ,

How do they calculate that? Distance from object times known expansion rate, or something?

Anticorp ,

That’s really neat. The more I read what you wrote, the more I was thinking this universe is a simulation.

Anticorp ,

Thanks! That kind of math is definitely above my education.

Anticorp ,

You’re hung up on individual positions, so let’s use the two I mentioned. I looked up EMT Salary Central California: Average annual salary is $39,152. Divided by 52 weeks, divided by 40 hours in a work week is $18.82 an hour.

Phlebotomist is $20.17.

An average fast food worker is earning $24,473 annually in the same city, or $11.77 per hour.

Now these new laws will almost double the income for fast food workers, but give EMTs and Phlebotomists a far smaller increase for work that is more stressful, more dangerous, and requires more training. Why should their equivalent income go down proportionately?

I think you’re maybe reading what I’m saying as “fast food workers are getting too much”, but what I’m really saying is “healthcare workers aren’t getting enough”.

We’re already in a healthcare worker crisis. What do you think is going to happen when they can just quit their stressful, dangerous job, and go work at McDonald’s, making $2 more an hour than they were before? There’s going to be an even bigger shortage. Sure, you’re probably going to counter with “well then the market will demand their pay goes up!”. But that’s what this whole post is about. Right? The workers getting their fair value. I don’t think the healthcare workers are getting their fair value, and I think it has the potential to cause an even worse shortage of healthcare workers. Sure, it’ll probably be temporary, but how does that help anyone affected by it during the crisis?

Edited for a bunch of mobile phone typos and formatting.

Anticorp , (edited )

I know what you’re saying. Maybe you just have a lot more faith in hospitals and the free market than I do. You’re making an assumption that the hospitals are going to voluntarily give them proportionate raises above the new minimums. I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen. They’re going to get bumped up to the new minimum until market factors force them to go higher, and the industry and employees will suffer until that all shakes down. Anyways, it’s sending a message that saving someone’s life in a crisis on a daily basis is only worth 25% more money than running a cash register. Perhaps you agree with that. I don’t. We’re both entitled to our individual perspectives on this subject.

Anticorp ,


Anticorp ,

Now you’re getting it!

Anticorp ,

I elaborated on this and even specifically included EMTs much further down in the comment chain. To summarize it, I don’t think this is doing enough for healthcare workers, especially those doing actual healthcare work, like phlebotomists and EMTs.

Anticorp ,

I feel like we need to get inflation under control and prices back to reasonable, rather than making sweeping pay changes across all industries, while prices soar, and our currency valuation falls. Changes that are too drastic and far-reaching can cause the entire economy to collapse and our currency to falter.

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