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0110010001100010 ,

It's probably an unpopular opinion but I'm going to say it anyway. Trump needs brought to justice and this country needs a "come to jesus moment." As shitty as it sounds, I don't see a way forward WITHOUT violence. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. He just managed to push things harder and faster than those before. Something is going to come to a head, and it's not going to be pretty, but I don't think we as a country can truly heal until that happens.

Consider that my $0.02 after drinking on a Friday night, lol.

Unaware7013 ,

Agreed. And if they try to pull a J6 in 2025, they're going to find out what the government does to insurrectionists when they don't have an idiot in the whitehouse putting their thumb on the scale.

Boddhisatva ,

We hope. There are a frightening number of Trump supporters still in positions in our government that could end up backing a second insurrection. Look at all (literally all) of the Secret Service messages from on or about January-6. Oh wait, you can't because every single agent erased their phones and the servers on which those messages were stored. An that was after they were told to retain those messages. How many people still in positions of power would, either discretely or overtly, support a second insurrection?

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