
Republicans Already Told Us Impeachment Is Revenge for Trump ( nymag.com )

In December 2019, when he was facing impeachment for his scheme to extort Ukraine into smearing his leading political opponent, President Donald Trump warned that his party would take revenge when it had the opportunity. “Some day there’ll be a Democrat president and there’ll be a Republican House, and I suspect they’re...

Trump’s Economic Plan: Raise Taxes on the Middle Class, Cut Them on the Rich ( nymag.com )

The discourse of the Trump era has been dominated by a conceit that the two major parties have swapped economic identities. The Democrats have supposedly abandoned their historical role as spokespeople for the working class to represent the neoliberal global elite, while the Republicans have been transmuted into scruffy...

[Opinion Analysis] Trump’s Economic Plan: Raise Taxes on the Middle Class, Cut Them on the Rich - Johnathan Chait ( nymag.com )

The discourse of the Trump era has been dominated by a conceit that the two major parties have swapped economic identities. The Democrats have supposedly abandoned their historical role as spokespeople for the working class to represent the neoliberal global elite, while the Republicans have been transmuted into scruffy...

Samuel Moyn Can’t Stop Blaming Trumpism on Liberals ( nymag.com )

In 2017, Samuel Moyn, a left-wing Yale professor of law and history, co-wrote a New York Times op-ed headlined, “Trump Isn’t a Threat to Our Democracy. Hysteria Is.” In the essay, Moyn diagnosed American liberals as afflicted with what he called “tyrannophobia,” confidently proclaiming, “There is no real evidence...

Sidelined and Self-Sabotaged: What The Last Politician Says About Kamala Harris ( nymag.com )

Harris’s lack of achievements were not the result of her not having the capacity for the job, according to the book. Foer takes pains to note that her contributions to meetings were often incisive as she “asked questions about equity that tended to be neglected.” Instead, it was a result of a personality that prized...

Even Clarence Thomas’s Law Clerks Can’t Defend His Misconduct ( nymag.com )

After the most recent revelations, Thomas’s defenders have gone conspicuously silent. Organs like National Review and conservative legal apparatchik Ed Whelan, who loudly dismissed evidence of wrongdoing by Thomas, have had nothing to say about Thomas’s many billionaire patrons....

Palin’s Civil War Threat a Sign of Very Bad Things to Come ( nymag.com )

Here’s the scary thing that ensures this rhetoric will only escalate: By labeling his multiple indictments “election interference” (the very crime of which he is charged by both federal and state prosecutors), Trump has now made his “rigged election” claim for 2024 well over a year in advance. If and when he loses the...

‘Lock Them Up’ Is Now the Republican Party’s Highest Goal ( nymag.com )

Ingraham and Shapiro have both plumped for Ron DeSantis, and Hochman left a job at National Review to work for him (before being forced out after making fascistic, white supremacist memes for the campaign’s social media accounts). You might think they would depict Trump’s legal jeopardy as, if not fair punishment for his...

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