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Amaltheamannen ,

This will always be the choice for people on the left, at some point you have to bite the bullet and stop supporting right wingers like Biden just because Trump is worse.

Veraxus , avatar

We need to forcefully reform the US political system... doing everything in our power to bust the current party system. There should never be a scenario where one party controls anything even remotely resembling power.

The first step is national RCV on all matters. Until we can get that, there is no other peaceful path forward.

Edit: The second step is aggressive campaign finance reform. The third is limiting all representative groups to day-to-day operations only, while guaranteeing that all legislative matters anywhere in the country are vetted ONLY by a public vote.

AnonTwo ,

Ok, so trump is worse. Good to see we acknowledge that.

But if we were to assume for a moment that the other choice could literally be trump in the upcoming election, then nows not the freaken time for this shit.

Nows not the time to "bite the bullet" when it's going to be the literal reason we aren't biting the bullet.

rayyyy ,

At some point people on the left have to bite the bullet and run candidates from the ground up in order to get someone who has ANY chance to actually change anything. In the meantime the sane people must hold the ground against fascist authoritarians by not allowing them to get into power at all costs - this means voting for the lesser evils until someone with a chance of a snowball in hell moves into position. That is how the crazies got their man into power. Schoolboards, county officials, mayors, even dog catchers must be pushed up the ladder of power. Anything less is just blowing smoke.

Amaltheamannen ,

Has there been any meaningful change the past 100 years achieved through voting? Every achievement I can think of in the US was won by riots and popular movements.

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