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TeenieBopper ,

Look. Am I going to vote for whoever the democratic nominee is? Yeah.

Am I going to be saying the democratic party is generally also racist, transobobic, capitalist, and don’t really give a shit about you? Also yes.

The republican party being more racist, transobobic, and capitalist doesn’t mean the democratic party isn’t. And I’m sick of people pretending otherwise.

Aceticon ,

The system is rigged, hence the only choice is between evils.

No wonder american politicians are constantly harping about how the US is such a “Great Democracy” - it’s to compensate just how much the mathematically rigged for political duopoly american system fails to represent the will of the average citizen, unlike an actual Democracy.

JustZ , avatar

Nah, we almost had Bernie. We had FDR. We will prevail again.

norbert , avatar

This right here folks, goddamned right. Organize, talk to your friends, and go vote every single election, participate. Get involved, canvas for local people you like, run for something; you'd be surprised how many city council seats or streets commissioner slots are completely vacant. The deck is stacked against us, the Republican party has been cultivating their bigoted base for 70 years and it's moved the entire country significantly right. We need to begin doing the same thing now if we want to win against the strain of Christo-fascism/Corporatocracy growing here in the U.S. There are only three boxes: soap, ballot, and bullet. We obviously all love using our soapbox, I'd recommend trying the ballot as well. The other box likely ends badly for a lot of people and should be avoided while the other two are still options. If we organize and vote we can absolutely drag the country back to left.

Did you guys hear about that black guy that became mayor of the racist little town simply by filling out the paperwork? We need more of that energy.

AngryCommieKender ,

Was there ever a resolution to that? Seriously the FBI should have been arresting the assholes that were preventing the Mayor from doing his job.

traches ,

…. You watch republicans force kids to detransition and say “yeah but the dems are just as bad”?

Like I get that they’re not perfect but holy fuck shit jesus are the republicans a bunch of ghouls. Not a single candidate even acknowledged that climate change is happening at their debate; I got kids who will have to grow up in this world dude.

Both sides my ass, only one is trying to make gilead a reality and just because the other doesn’t pass leftist purity testing doesn’t put them on the same level as actual fascists.

Lols , (edited )

you missed the word ‘more’

its right here in this sentence (ill make it bold for you):

The republican party being more racist, transobobic, and capitalist doesn’t mean the democratic party isn’t.

the word ‘more’ in that sentence means they’re in fact not saying dems are just as bad, or on the same level as actual fascists, theyre explicitly and literally saying democrats are not as bad

easy mistake to make, hope this helps

traches ,

Kinda doing some heavy lifting don’t you think? One side is banning books written by minorities and replacing them with pragerU propaganda, the other is…. not doing that? And you’re painting them with the same brush?

Lols ,

And you’re painting them with the same brush?

you missed the word ‘more’

its right here in this sentence (ill make it bold and italicised for you, and put arrows around it):

The republican party being -> more <- racist, transobobic, and capitalist doesn’t mean the democratic party isn’t.

the word ‘more’ in that sentence means they’re in fact not painting democrats and republicans with the same brush, theyre explicitly, literally and unambiguously saying democrats are not as bad

‘democrats are not as bad as republicans’ is not painting them with the same brush

likewise, ignoring racism and transphobia or demanding others do so because its your team doing it is not protecting minorities, its actually just accepting racism and transphobia as the price of doing business, which is horrible

easy mistake to make, hope this helps

traches ,

We’re staring down the barrel of theocratic fascism and you’re purity testing the only viable alternative.

They’re saying “they’re both sons of bitches but one is more so than the other”, that’s painting them with the same brush.

It’s like saying “someone with a billion dollars is more wealthy than someone with a million” - like yeah it’s semantically true but it completely disregards magnitude. Plenty of people make a million by working hard and paying taxes, but you only make a billion by fucking people over.

Lols ,

ignoring racism and transphobia or demanding others do so because its your team doing it is not protecting minorities, its actually just accepting racism and transphobia as the price of doing business, which is horrible

ignoring or defending exploitation of the poor because its your team doing it is not helping the poor, its actually just further ignoring, defending and normalising their exploitation

It’s like saying “someone with a billion dollars is more wealthy than someone with a million” - like yeah it’s semantically true but it completely disregards magnitude. Plenty of people make a million by working hard and paying taxes, but you only make a billion by fucking people over.

your comparison of ‘democrats actively pushing discriminative and explotative policies’ to ‘poor millionaires who got their millions by just working very hard and who arent hurting no one’ is hilariously tone deaf, thank you

traches ,

During the civil war, the north was still pretty fucking racist. In the 60s, people were routinely fired for being gay and same sex marriage was unthinkable.

Do you know what the Overton window is?

The millionaire thing was an example that apparently you missed the point of. Doctors, pilots, and other people in high-skill, well paying professions routinely clear a million in net worth on W2 income as honestly as you can in this country. The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is about a billion dollars. To say that billionaires and millionaires are both wealthy, but billionaires are just more wealthy, is semantically accurate but completely misrepresents the magnitude of difference between the two.

Lols ,

During the civil war, the north was still pretty fucking racist.

careful there, thats basically saying the south and north were just as bad

It’s not the fucking same.

you missed the word ‘more’

its right here in this sentence (ill make it bold and italicised for you, and put arrows around it which i will similarly bolden and italicise):

The republican party being -> more <- racist, transobobic, and capitalist doesn’t mean the democratic party isn’t.

the word ‘more’ in that sentence means they’re in fact not saying democrats and republicans are the same, theyre explicitly, literally and unambiguously saying democrats are not as bad

hope this helps

AngryCommieKender , (edited )

Then run. I am. Not because I wanted to, it wasn’t my idea. My neighbors keep telling me that I should. If I can take the seat away from the fascist that currently holds it, in the 2026 election, I’ll consider that the only real win I need.

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