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In Poland firefighters were called to a house fire. There were no people inside the house but there was a terrified bunny that the firefighters rescued from the flames. ( )

According to the article the top floor of the house and the roof had burned down completely. The firefighters had to bust in the door and use oxygen masks to get inside. The bunny was found inside an enclosure in one of the rooms. It was panicked and difficult to catch but they succeeded in rescuing the cute little furball. The...

Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis after city council forces them to pay drivers more ( )

Lyft and Uber said they will cease operations in Minneapolis after the city’s council voted Thursday to override a mayoral veto and require that ride-hailing services increase driver wages to the equivalent of the local minimum wage of $15.57 an hour....

AngryCommieKender ,

It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By “business” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.


AngryCommieKender ,

It’s so they can weed out potential applicants that are experiencing homelessness.

Same reason that so many jobs use algorithms to screen out applicants. They don’t want to hire anyone outside of their current networks. Nepotism is totally legal, just look at Jared Kushner

AngryCommieKender ,

Trebuchets won’t give you indigestion, are environmentally and economically friendly, easy to assemble, and require no permits to own or operate. They are also capable of flinging the fattest of fatcats at least 150m, which is either far enough, or we fire again.

^(this message brought to you by the trebuchet meme gang)

AngryCommieKender ,

Wtf is going on with those numbers? Why are they putting a comma after the hundred thousands place?

AngryCommieKender ,

Well interest does come into it. Y’all can’t afford the interest payments on the loans you’d need. Can’t even find a decently priced used car.

AngryCommieKender ,

2500 / 40 = 62.5

They expected you to work an additional 10.5 weeks, and didn’t count half your duties? No wonder you guys didn’t even try.

AngryCommieKender ,

In 1960 you could buy an estate in Beverly Hills, or La Jolla, for a cool $100,000

AngryCommieKender ,

Thank you!

RE; Your Username: I sincerely hope I don’t run into you without a light source.

AngryCommieKender ,

Could you please do a TED talk so the C-Suite has some hope of hearing this?

AngryCommieKender ,

Neat video, hope he gets the funding and assistants he needs.

There’s a new video that’s only 10 hours old as well.

AngryCommieKender ,

You are failing to use Hanlon’s Razor. Never attribute malice to that which can be explained by laziness or stupidity.

The model got loaned out to a movie production. It got stored and forgotten about. No one stole it, they just failed to return it because they were busy making a movie.

AngryCommieKender , (edited )

I would demand a 33% pay increase as they are cutting out 33% of your free time days.

AngryCommieKender ,

The steamrunner gets no phasers. Only photon torpedos and reinforced plating on the bow for excessive repeated ramming manouevers

AngryCommieKender ,

There’s a documentary about him on Netflix that was done with his family around the time he died. It paints him as a caring dad, and of course Spock. It’s been a few years since I watched it.

AngryCommieKender ,

Something about the ears looks entirely too much like a hoodie hood.

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....

AngryCommieKender ,

Same, except I’m a Gen X/Xennial man who never got anyone pregnant, so I didn’t have to deal with that problem. From the age of 12 when I entered the workforce part time to earn “spending money” by stripping tobacco, until 16 when I entered “the kitchen” with a food handlers licence the first time, until I was 39 and threw my back out I didn’t believe that I would ever be able to retire.

Since then my “luckiest bastard to ever exist” trait has kicked in. I’ve managed to accidentally start two “businesses” that will allow me to retire by the year 2026. I’ll be 45.

Don’t give up. Believe in your talents and stop falling prey to imposter syndrome. You have far more ability than you know. I know this to be true, because I am not special, and I found out the hard way that I have more abilities than I knew.

Kitchen completed. ( )

A few years ago i bought a very run down mobile home and i started rebuilding it from the steel/iron frame up. Ill include a few pics of the in between in the comments, but this is my kitchen finally completed. I rehabbed some used cabinets and built a good bit of them from scratch as well as the cabinet doors. This is my first...

AngryCommieKender ,

Looks great!

You may want to watch Smash Lab Season 1 Episode 3. They made a mobile home hurricane/tornado/fire proof, using carbon fiber.

AngryCommieKender ,

We did. If you look at aerial photos of American cities, they were built mixed use until the early 1900s. Between 1900 and 1970 you can watch as those mixed use buildings got demolished, and 75% of our city spaces got paved into parking lots. The song was serious. They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot.

The oil and auto companies enslaved the entire country.

AngryCommieKender ,

Last reports indicate that she can’t give it away fast enough, but I’m not sure she’s really trying

AngryCommieKender ,

Physical condition is still relevant. If nothing else, being lighter extends your battery range. I have a couple of E-bikes. My 230lb/104.3kg ass can only manage to extend the range of the bikes to about 30 miles per charge, without pedaling. My friend’s daughter who is more like 105lbs/47.6kg, gets almost 50 miles per charge, without pedaling.

AngryCommieKender ,

I got one for $12,000 in 2018. My bolt is a tank, and since I already had solar power, it doesn’t cost me a dime to charge. I’ve put just under 70,000 miles on it and it’s going strong.

AngryCommieKender ,

Those salaries still sound far too low for a teacher, especially since, as I understand it, your dollar doesn’t buy you guys as much as our (US) dollar, or is that just in electronics and video games?

Either way, the vice principal in The Breakfast Club cites that he’s making $35,000 a year in 1985. I’ll assume that’s the higher end of the scale since he’s admin, and has been teaching for years at that point. The thing is that adjusted for inflation that $35,000 is closer to $87,000 today. It’s not just teachers either. No essential worker has had a raise since the early 1970s, in fact we’ve had pay cuts when you look at inflation, and expected productivity.

Edit: just noticed you specified US dollars, sorry.

AngryCommieKender ,

Thanks for the breakdown. Sounds like you guys have it slightly better than we do, hopefully you can make some gains :)

AngryCommieKender ,

Well said.

AngryCommieKender ,

Even salaried workers get overtime in certain situations. You’d either get a raise or a “travel stipend”

Union leaders demand change following Kroger employee death ( )

“Them guys said he was dripping in sweat. Them guys said that guy was asking for water,” said Teamster 667 Union Chief Maurice Wiggins. “He did walk to produce a couple of times to cool off, and that’s where he ended up passing at, in the produce section on the dock in front of all his coworkers.”

AngryCommieKender ,

I kicked people out of my kitchen because they weren’t sweating enough (first sign of potential heat stroke) over a decade ago. I can’t imagine not giving people breaks in this heat. And food service doesn’t have “required breaks,” which is why I made people take them.

AngryCommieKender ,

Agreed, but with one caveat. You are the better candidate. Stop waiting for someone else to take the job, they all have imposter syndrome too, so fucking go for it and keep the fascists out at the local levels, not just the federal.

I am putting my money where my mouth is and self funding my campaign for city council in 2026.

AngryCommieKender ,

Then show up. You’d be better than what we’ve got. Lord knows that since 4 of my neighbors told me independently of each other that I should run for city council, I’m looking into running for city council, and I would be the first to tell you that I am not qualified, which seems to be exactly why they think I am qualified.

AngryCommieKender ,

It was always satire for satire’s sake. South Park never tried to present solutions, they just excell at pointing out the absurdity of current events.

AngryCommieKender ,

While I tend to agree with your sentiment, I would really prefer people followed Washington’s advice. No parties. He believed that partisan politics would be the downfall of the US, and given the last 239 years of evidence, I would have to agree.

AngryCommieKender , (edited )

Then run. I am. Not because I wanted to, it wasn’t my idea. My neighbors keep telling me that I should. If I can take the seat away from the fascist that currently holds it, in the 2026 election, I’ll consider that the only real win I need.

AngryCommieKender ,

Was there ever a resolution to that? Seriously the FBI should have been arresting the assholes that were preventing the Mayor from doing his job.

AngryCommieKender ,

Then run yourself. Be your own Goldie Wilson. I am, though that is because my neighbors keep telling me to run for city council.

AngryCommieKender , (edited )

Then be your own Goldie Wilson. Run yourself. Enough of my neighbors have told me that I should run, that I am even though I don’t believe I am qualified.

I’m running for city council, but if I win in 2026, the fascist that currently holds the chair, and constantly complains about it, won’t be attempting to actively harm the community the way they currently are.

Also if I win, and continue winning the 2 terms of city council, 2 terms of mayor, then I’m done, because I’ll be 60 at that point and served 16 years in government. At most they could get another term or two out of me as a state level senator or representative. I’m not sticking around past my 60s. Got too much to do.

AngryCommieKender ,

No freaking clue. We promptly ignored him and became a two party system almost immediately after he left office.

AngryCommieKender ,

In my case it’s my neighbors. They’re the ones that thought I should run in the first place, and I already know more than half the district.

AngryCommieKender ,

Haven’t heard of those, but I’ll take a look.

AngryCommieKender ,

Good luck!

AngryCommieKender ,

Oh they want liberals. Remember, liberals are just “moderates”, making them conservative-lite. The don’t want progressives. That’s why they buried Bernie

AngryCommieKender , (edited )

I’m actually surprised that no one has blown up one of these ugly corporate campuses overnight yet, just so they can’t be forced back in the office. God knows if there was a way for me to WFH when I was a sous chef, and a chef for 20 years I would have.

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