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adespoton ,

I’ve got a better comparison that may make the Indian government think twice about what they’re doing: it’s very similar also to what China is doing to the Uyghur muslims, but without the re-education camps.

History has shown that Israel’s approach is a failure on multiple levels. We have yet to see if China’s approach is any more effective. India really shouldn’t be trying to emulate either if it wants a lasting, durable society.

Drewfro66 , avatar

It’s actually nothing like what China is doing to the Ughyur Muslims.

Putting the morality of the matter aside, what China is doing in Xinjiang is sticking some Ughyurs in re-education facilities, giving them Mandarin classes and job programs. Whether that constitutes a genocide or not is up to you, I guess, but that’s aside from the point. China does not want to eliminate the Ughyurs or even necessarily convert them; they just want them to assimilate somewhat into broader Chinese society.

What India is doing is more similar to the Israeli method: destroy their homes or give them to non-Muslims in order to oppress Muslims out of existence.

Deceptichum , avatar

Hah trust to downplay the genocide.

Han Supremacism is disgusting and forcing Uyghurs to become more Han-itised is for fascists.

queermunist , avatar

So what do you think about America’s treatment of Black people? Just curious.

pseudorandom ,

Nice what about ism.

queermunist , avatar

They’re the ones that shoehorned a discussion about China into a thread about India, that makes it fair game.

Ooops , avatar


Also definitely not a targeted move to forcefully eliminate they culture and assimilate them. So a completely different topic with a completely different historical context and you are just the usual troll trying to divert. Like all trolls seem to do anytime their employer is criticsed in any way. Can't they teach you second trick besides whataboutism?

queermunist , avatar

Really? You don’t think there has been a targeted move to eliminate Black culture and assimilate them into white culture?


Also it’s not whataboutism when this whole comment chain is off topic in the first place - this thread should be about India, not China. Y’all watabouted first, I’m just following your lead lol

Deceptichum , avatar

America is just as shitty as China.

chaogomu ,

I'll just leave this here;

Government policies have included the arbitrary detention of Uyghurs in state-sponsored internment camps,[11][12] forced labor,[13][14] suppression of Uyghur religious practices,[15] political indoctrination,[16] severe ill-treatment,[17] forced sterilization,[18] forced contraception,[19][20] and forced abortion.[21][22]

Seems like elimination is the goal. Failing that, forced assimilation and banning of any cultural identity.

Nobsi , avatar

He have yet to see if chinas genocide is effective???

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