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blazera , avatar

Ill blame Manchin when the DNC does and opposes his reelection.

phillaholic ,

Dumb. He’s in a heavy red area and only has the seat based on family name. Any other Democrat would be steamrolled.

blazera , avatar

By who, someone that's gonna oppose all their legislation? Oh thats Manchin already.

bingbong ,

Supporting 5% of their legislation is better than his replacement supporting 0%. The solution is not to replace manchin but to reduce his importance by broadening the majority.

tacosplease ,

By a Republican who would be easily elected over any Democrat other than Manchin. Trump won WV In 2016 by a wider margin than any other state.

Only reason Manchin gets elected there is because he’s practically a Republican. He votes like shit but he’s still far better than the alternative. We need more progressive senators in winable states.

phillaholic ,

It’s overstated. He only votes against the Democrats 3% less than Bernie Sanders (87% to 90%). He votes with them 20% more than the nearest Republican.

tacosplease ,

Right. But what were those 3%? He let us down on some important votes.

phillaholic ,

Very possibly true, not all votes are weighted the same. I’d have to look further into it, but I know Bernie has done the same in the past where he wanted something better that had no traction. I can recall something healthcare related a few years back, but he may have still voted for it in the end. This also doesn’t take into consideration bills that never make it to vote.

IronCorgi ,

Those stats are worthless when they don't count all the bills that died without getting a vote because he wouldn't support them. Put those in the voted against Biden collumn and suddenly the stats look way worse.

phillaholic ,

Not worse than any Republican.

prole , avatar

Someone who would block every judicial appointment under Biden.

Ensign_Crab ,

Manchin voted to confirm Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. Your guy helped kill Roe v. Wade.

prole , avatar

Manchin ain’t “my guy” you fucking chode.

Ensign_Crab ,

Sorry. Your lord and savior.

prole , avatar

Are you allergic to good faith argument?

Ensign_Crab ,

I don’t like Joe Manchin.

You don’t need to defend him, yet you do. Why?

phillaholic ,

Manchin votes with the Democrats 87% of the time; 20% more often than any Republican; Only 3% less than Bernie Sanders.

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