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Ginni Thomas and Conservative Activists Worked Together to Exploit Citizens United Ruling ( )

Funded by Harlan Crow, who was recently exposed for footing the bill for Ginni and Clarence Thomas’ lavish vacations and more, the Supreme Court justice’s wife worked with Federalist Society leader Leonard Leo to advance the conservative agenda...

IronCorgi ,

People did protest, but there's no one to protest to. Supreme court justices are appointed for life, so there is no one to appeal to except the corrupt judge himself. I think people saw protesting the Supreme Court wasn't going to go anywhere and decided to focus on lobbying Congress for a supreme Court ethics statue.

Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. ( )

The United States’ poverty rate experienced its largest one-year jump on record last year, with the rate among children more than doubling from 2021’s historic low of 5.2 percent to 12.4 percent according to new numbers from the US Census Bureau out today. They’re the latest data to reflect the devastating effects...

IronCorgi ,

Attacking the source rather than defending your position... nothing more conservative than that.

IronCorgi ,

I think the fundamental disconnect here is that there is one political party dedicated to destroying the government and installing themselves as permanent oligarchs, and one party who doesn't agree with them but at the same time treats the other party with congeniality and does little to oppose them. People want a party willing to fight the fascists, but democrats will fight tooth and nail to not do that, harder than they are willing to fight the republicans.

IronCorgi ,

I don't think that would work because republicans are bankrolled by billionaires who gain by Republican governance. Good democratic governance wouldn't be making anyone bank so there is no reason billionaires would fund a massive propaganda network to achieve that goal.

IronCorgi ,

Jesus even when saying you're not attacking the source you can't help making an ad hominem attack on a source you don't bother to engage with. I hope in the future you can learn to actually read the material before engaging ignprant dismissal.

IronCorgi ,

It's a distinction without a difference.

IronCorgi ,

Those stats are worthless when they don't count all the bills that died without getting a vote because he wouldn't support them. Put those in the voted against Biden collumn and suddenly the stats look way worse.

IronCorgi ,

The article focuses on sexual abuse, but being a police officer offers many paths to abuse and lawbreaking, and a group of people who will back your bullshit until it starts to affect their privilege. It's not hard to figure why police act with disregard for the law: It's rarely applied to them, and not to the extent it's applied to non-police people.

IronCorgi ,

The issue is that in wargames not playing causes the event not to happen, while in electoral politics not playing just means ceding the decision to everyone else

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