USSBurritoTruck OP Mod , avatar

I have no problem with this solution. See for example, the other Paris.

There are plenty of examples of cities in different countries, or even different territories in the same country having the same name. I feel like it’s different when we’re talking about a planet.

There’s a tendency to treat every alien race as a monoculture, but maybe Spock and T’Pol just came from different parts of Vulcan.

That tendency is built into Trek, for good or ill, and I would say it even applies to humans.

I actually kind of assumed that it might have been facon. While I can see the Enterprise growing real plants on its five year mission (hence Pike’s preference of real herbs), I can’t see it breeding real pigs.

In “Charlie X” Kirk does say to the galley chef, “On Earth today, it’s Thanksgiving. If the crew has to eat synthetic meat loaf, I want it to look like turkey,” which would seem to imply that in this era fake meat is not outside the norm. The question is though, is Pike such a foodie that he would throw his weight around be certain that there is a supply of real bacon on the ship for him to use vs. whatever’s coming out of the food synthesizers.

And there’s a whole other debate to be had about whether or not replicated meat would qualify as plant based which I don’t feel like the body of the post is the appropriate place to get into it. My personal opinion is that replicated meats would still not be suitable for a vegan diet, because at some point there was an original source that the replicator pattern must have been based upon.

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