maegul ,

Funny … maybe I’m alone in this … but I really am not that interested in SNW transitioning into TOS as a clear prequel.

I like the prequel dimension being in the background, and the canon consistency, but I want SNW to focus on itself and its own characters.

I’m not sure how the show should end, but I feel like it should end, not just slide into TOS like Rogue One into A New Hope.

If Kirk is going to be a mainstay, as it seems he will, I hope it focuses on “young Kirk” in the same way we’ve got “young” Spock without taking focus away from the SNW characters with the Spock-Chapel relationship being a nice example. I guess the canon flexibility the article talks about opens up possibilities there. But still, I don’t want the focus to be on … “how does this lead to TOS”.

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