Stamets , avatar

Just a collection of random thoughts I had while watching the episode.

  • Captain Freeman saying she minored in something so she’s qualified is such a common Trek trope. I love seeing it backfire horribly. I mean it makes sense. Leave it to the professionals.
  • The combadges have feedback. I fucking love it. The combadge tech has always driven me slightly insane in the inconsistency of how it works/should work so why not add another layer to it.
  • “Everything that has ever occurred IS science stuff.” Stunning. Accurate yet also incredibly bitchy. So utterly fucking on brand for a Vulcan science officer.
  • Anomaly Storage Room. That feels like such a monumentally terrible idea. Of course Starfleet would do it. I mean why not having a mini-Daystrom Station in every starship? I wonder if the Enterprise-D in the Fleet Museum just has a storage room with Moriarty inside of a memory cube.
  • That fucking gift box. Gave me nightmares as a kid. I hate it. I need more.
  • “Eat a bag of Borg dicks, motherfucker!” has been added to my lexicon.
  • “There’s a 0.015 error in sensor readings so it must be fixed.” Makes sense. Starfleet has a fucking insane devotion to accuracy. I’m just wondering if the hazing or the accuracy came first. Like did everyone use accuracy has an excuse to haze people until Starfleet was known for having dummy accuracy, or was the accuracy devotion there first so officers used it as an excuse to haze people under them?
  • T’lyn is amazing. The typical Vulcan response of passivity but curiosity is going to work perfectly throughout Lower Decks. Especially when she is sensible and amazing command material. I hope she stays in Starfleet. Moreover I hope that they actually show her changing just a little bit over the show and being molded by the crew. I love being able to watch an earlier episode and seeing the rigidity still there.
  • “It sounds wet and that is what I like so please continue.”
  • “They thoroughly describe your strength and shortcomings.” I love it when Vulcans are being backhanded, whether they mean it or not.
  • Boims really can be a great officer when he doesn’t get in his own way.
  • I genuinely don’t know what’s scarier. The Koala/mountain or Janeways Dad/Alien with the Matrix in Voyager.
  • “GIVE ME 30CC’S OF WHATEVER JUST FUCKING WORKED A MINUTE AGO.” She would get along with Bones so fucking well.

Another slamdunk of an episode for me. Enjoyed every second and I have no real criticisms. Then again I often don’t unless they’re major. When it comes to Lower Decks it’s just too wonderfully silly/stupid for me to want to slow down the ride.

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