Nmyownworld ,
@Nmyownworld@startrek.website avatar

I enjoy the exploration of Ferengi society under Grand Nagus Rom, and visiting some of Ferenginar’s hot spots. I also enjoy seeing Rom and Leeta again. I love the subversion of Rom’s doofiness, and how well Leeta adapted to Ferengi society. First Clerk, indeed. Freeman’s frustration was my frustration, but it had a satisfying ending.

I didn’t enjoy the lower deck gang’s shenanigans as much. There were fun moments, but it felt like a drag on the characters. Mariner’s fighting just to be fighting. She has grown a lot over the past seasons. Her undefined angry outburst in this episode seemed pointless. There’s nothing keeping JG Lieutenant Mariner from her Ensign Mariner renegade behavior and schemes. Boimler has completely backslid into the previously uncertain, twitchy, insecure Boimler. There’s no sign of “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus’” (s3e8) “I want to be a captain” Tendi.

Rutherford and Tendi’s discomfort pretending to be a couple made me uncomfortable. They’ve clearly been sweet on each other for a while. I could have done without forcing them into this pretend couple scenario, and let their relationship develop at its previous pace. I think Mariner and Boimler being the pretend couple had the potential to be hilarious. And, what the heck. No T’Lyn? Much disappointment.

I think Ransom is the standout in this episode.

The destroyed (maybe? maybe not?) ship of the week is a Ferenghi one. There was the tiniest hint, that one of the crew had been in contact with who or whatever is on that flying ship of destruction. With only 4 episodes left, I hope that ship has a huge payoff after being teased for so long.

I still love Lower Decks. This episode is a mixed bag for me.

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