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TheJack ,

Important part from the article:

Windows users can still change their default browser through the Windows settings.

redcalcium ,

I understand the need for security, but default is powerful, which is why the eu requires os vendors to provide a browser choice screens instead of letting the os vendors to pick their own default browser. Without coupling this restriction with a browser choice screen, this would guarantee to increase edge market share simply because it’s the default.

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Great how many people are going to do that

pendulum_ , avatar

Almost all of them. Especially corporate customers on managed devices

I'm as pro *Nix as the next person, but be careful of viewing the world through rage coloured lenses. Just makes everything look like a red flag.

Chronographs ,

Yeah I’ve seen malware that installs their own version of chromium and sets that as the default, I’m assuming this will block that

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Maybe I'm out of the loop but I've never heard that being a major issue.

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Your assuming everyone understands how default apps work. And you are forgetting that most people get intimidated by the popups trying to get you not to change the default.

It is complete enshitification if you ask me. There should be no reason why a application can't have a button to make it the default.

pendulum_ , avatar

It's possible that I've been lucky, and my experience of end users when it comes to Windows lately have been using it since Windows 10 which strongly pushed the Default Apps configuration vs previous versions. The world is a big place after all

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Maybe I'm just over reacting. But people like us deal directly or indirectly with the fallout of such madness. I hope that the DOJ goes after Microsoft at some point soon or at least scares them a little.

pendulum_ , avatar

Certainly wouldn't hurt them, the fear of God never hurts an international company

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