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librejoe ,

Maybe because despite teaching safe sex, some men still don't know how to wear a fucking condom ? Also don't start with the rapist thing with me please. Not here to have that argument.

MotoAsh ,

Infant mortality rate, idiot. These are babies that are already conceived, not extra conceptions. Learn to read before you hate things you don't understand.

librejoe ,

thanks for turning to insults instead of the informed comment someone else left. what trash.

MotoAsh ,

So you admit to already being informed but still make ignorant infammatory comments...

The irony in your insults... if only you were smart enough to know what irony was. Poor thing.

librejoe ,

English must not be your first language, so I understand what the confusion is Someone replied to THIS comment with some more context. Thanks for measuring my intelligence based on your misunderstanding of the English language.

MotoAsh ,

What you don't seem to understand is, you already admitted to knowing you're wrong. The projection is truly astounding. You should try growing up a few years. It'll make those comebacks funnier at least.

librejoe ,

I hope you find peace one day.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

some men still don’t know how to wear a fucking condom

Excited to hear how condoms prevent congenital defects.

librejoe ,

didn't think of that, thanks. I still think abortion should be illegal but not in these circumstances.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Part of the problem with criminalizing abortion is in how it creates large bureaucratic hurdles for doctors to prove they aren't committing a crime under necessary circumstances.

Texas law specifically allows for abortions in cases like this, but the state's AG has threatened to prosecute anyone who performs one, regardless.

Consequentially, no hospital will perform these "legal" abortions, for fear of a prosecuting convincing a jury it was illegal after all.

librejoe ,

That's fucking bonkers. I have no clue how that AG sleeps at night.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

On a stack of donor dollars.

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