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MotoAsh ,

Infant mortality rate, idiot. These are babies that are already conceived, not extra conceptions. Learn to read before you hate things you don't understand.

MotoAsh ,

So you admit to already being informed but still make ignorant infammatory comments...

The irony in your insults... if only you were smart enough to know what irony was. Poor thing.

MotoAsh ,

What you don't seem to understand is, you already admitted to knowing you're wrong. The projection is truly astounding. You should try growing up a few years. It'll make those comebacks funnier at least.

MotoAsh ,

You sound ignorant. Or defensive. Do you own any slaves?

MotoAsh ,

That you are completely and utterly unable to see a predator in your midst, or worse; you're OK with a predator in your midst, because you know you are the bigger predator.

MotoAsh ,

I don't know why you're complaining, then. I'm sure the cartels are less violent than US police...

MotoAsh ,

The show wrIters OBVIOUSLY cared. So much so it shined right through the writing.

MotoAsh ,

Honestly, the alien stuff is exactly where there is most fertile soil for allegory there. That’s what killed it for me, too. They’re all unprofessional drama queens from the 21st century. Not space exploration officers from centuries in the future.

MotoAsh , (edited )

No, it’s the modern, basic portrayal of those characters and their issues that’s the problem.

Star Trek is supposed to reflect on human problems and foibles with allegory. Not just slap you across the face with, “see, gays are normal, too!” Yes, we watch Star Trek. We know. Make it more interesting with an allegory tied to a other characters that aren’t supposed to be professional officers from a species that’s prescribed as already past these issues.

By putting so much basic and direct human drama in STD, they bastardized the entire bluepeint of the show.

MotoAsh ,

It’s not that they’re the topic of an episode, but that the show is RELYING on the basic drama of the cultural topics.

Trek is supposed to make allegory for cultural issues, not just blandly do the cultural issues.

MotoAsh , (edited )

Yea, that’s sorta’ what I mean. They cared about writing complex professional characters in ds9 and such, not drama queens doing contemporary art. Regardless of the high production value, it has the opposite soul of Star Trek for focusing on issues over humanized characters.

Ugh, it’s so hard to describe good writing when I’m not a good writer. lol

MotoAsh , (edited )

I mean, yea, basically. They didn’t let the concepts steep enough so the allegory took back stage to the simplified moralizing.

I’m not necessarily against any general angle they took, it just didn’t really do the star trek intellectual thing where they’re actually competent professional adults dealing with something. The general mood of the writing is just … too straight forward plain Hollywood. Sure, Star Trek has its TV schlock, but it was that angle of at least trying to make everyone logic-first adults that made it great.

MotoAsh , (edited )

Those are specific details, not general nature of writing. I’m talking about analysis of the writing style, not how scifi it is.

MotoAsh ,

Yea, I’d definitely say they’ve made missteps in the past. I also hear Discovery is MUCH better in later seasons as well, so the juxtaposition in general writing style that highlights what I mean may be muddied by competence showing up later.

MotoAsh ,

My comment is not about any specific lgbtq content but about the general attitude of the writing. The focus on drama over logic completely shallows out the allegory until it’s JUST a gay couple being contemporarily gay on screen.

It’s not bad to have contemporary representation, it’s just less inspired than what older ST did. Mind, I’ve heard later Picard seasons get better on the writing, and SNW I only stopped watching because I forgot more were coming, so I’m not trying to poo poo on anything except that which people largely already agree aren’t that great.

Like the first season of TNG. It’s uh… they had some decent episodes but boy were the bad ones something. lol Or the TNG movies for the most part. They’re just … different than the show. Entertaining, but that’s not my only criteria for ST, personally.

MotoAsh ,

Yea, I see what you mean. Actual representation and not tokenization. I wouldn’t accuse even STD or Picard of at least purposefully tokenizing. Although with the contemporary representation with a drama focus in the writing, it almost jumps the shark enough on the ST premise that the contemporary drama representation almost just feels tokenized, if that makes sense. I don’t think it’d be obvious with better writing, and I hear they get better later, so I could see people disagreeing out of pure entertainment value in the least.

Texas Oil Billionaires Start a Spinoff PAC ( )

The Texas Tribune reports that Dunn and Wilks have dropped $2 million into the new PAC, known as Texans United for a Conservative Majority. Money from the PAC is already being distributed to challengers seeking to unseat House Republicans who voted to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton last year. You will recall that until...

MotoAsh ,

They don’t care what the plebs think. They just want to rule you.

MotoAsh ,

We can only hope so, but conservatives have a way of being the worst most despicable people and yet remain in power for decades. I have no expectation for Texas to pull its head out any decade soon.

MotoAsh ,

Hell yea, at least send a message they’re on thin ice. GOD I hope they’re actually on thin ice.

MotoAsh ,

So you’re just going to vote for open fascism this time? Only an evil person votes for the greater evil or allows a greater evil to win.

MotoAsh ,

If you think presidential elections are the ones that matter for an individual to take part in, you’re already disenfranchising yourself better than any gaslighting about Democrats could ever.

Joe’s not good, but not voting for him IS a vote for fascism. Period. Republicans don’t need good opposition to never the less be completely undeserving. Since we LITERALLY CANNOT pick outside of the two choices, you literally have a forced choice between fascism and shitty Democrats.

MotoAsh ,

Once you reach a certain point of greed, nothing is ever enough money. That’s why they need to be made illegal. They are literaly economic cancer.

MotoAsh ,

The question is whether someone has “enough” money. Until you can live comfortably, more money DOES buy more happiness. Once someone can comfortably live and engage with interests, more money doesn’t buy more happiness.

When someone says, “money doesn’t buy happiness.” what they’re actually saying is they have enough money and they do not understand how poverty works.

MotoAsh ,

Luddites weren’t stupid for the problems they noticed. They were stupid for not taking the fight directly to those in power. Fighting for a better status quo should never have to involve directly attacking a company. In fact, change can happen withoit targeting any specific company. Leave that to specific workers and unions.

The solution is to empower them so it’s not the worker themselves who has to bust kneecaps just to get paid… Destroying specific companies does less than nothing. It paints workers as unjustly entitled and uppity, just like when protests turn in to riots

Does a riot mean the protest stood for nothing? No! Does the riot make many people assume the protest stood for nothing? Yes. Pick your targets wisely. More wisely than Luddites of the past.

MotoAsh ,

I hope so. This country is so pathetically stupid about holding people of power to account that it’d be no surprise at all if people were effecfively forced in to incarceration because the rich and powerful are still held up above normal people…

The visuals of security service in suits, sitting behind bars, due to no personal fault of their own, would be so perfect to enshrine this sh*t in history as the pathetically stupid mess it is. We are not past the utterly stupid mindset of monarchs.

Trump yearns to govern a mafia state. Fitting that he faces racketeering charges ( )

It should have long been obvious that Trump operates with methods familiar from the mob: He tried to make James Comey kiss the ring. He demanded that Volodymyr Zelenskiy do him a favor. He threatens those who try to hold him to account for illegal behavior (“If you go after me, I will come after you”). This pattern is not...

MotoAsh ,

Taint lickers need someone’s taint to lick. “If there were no sensible, honorable, decent people in charge, what does that make us?!”

New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers ( )

“Hurt dogs sure do holler.” That was the saying that came to mind in 2008 when then-candidate for president Barack Obama drew outrage from Republicans because he described their voters as “bitter” people who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.” The phrase came to mind again...

MotoAsh ,

Back in 2008, I told my friends, “never underestimate the racists and hate that persists in the south” when they were appalled by me saying, “I’ll be surprised if there isn’t an attempt at Obama.”

The true problem isn’t that racists exist. It’s that far too many comfortable people fail to understand THAT racists and hateful bigots still exist.

and in very, very large numbers.

MotoAsh ,

I agree. I only referenced the south to spare my friends’ feelings. (and because it’s WAY more pervasive in the south)

MotoAsh ,

What is ‘it’? Why do you experience it? What are you doing to deserve it? Being ignorant to your privilege? Trying to use your privilege like those morons that parked their boat?

If you’re receiving racism as a white dude … you probably deserve it. This is coming from a white dude.

MotoAsh ,

I’m still waiting for information. Did you not notice the question marks throughout? Do you not understand what “probably” means?

MotoAsh ,

The terminology still engrandises them instead of shaming them as the greedy pr*cks they are.

MotoAsh ,

Sarcastic and ironic comments are fine until they’re not.

Most people don’t pick up on sarcasm about “elite”, though, and only stupid people insist on communicating with things easily misunderstood.

Poe’s Law offers more wisdom than most people realize.

MotoAsh ,

All words are made up. What makes you think pointing out something related to the language I use could possibly ever dismiss the logical point I made about how that language is interpreted?

YOU are the one using a word to mean something that most people do not think of when they hear that word. You are the one failing to understand the concept of communication.

MotoAsh ,

How about you attack my point instead of being a petulant little prick upset at someone smarter than you?

MotoAsh ,

Keep telling yourself that, bud. It won’t make you right.

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