Travel Photography

mesamunefire , in about 4 days in either direction from any civilization [OC]

Very pretty!

littlebluespark , in about 4 days in either direction from any civilization [OC] avatar


Skyhighatrist ,

While "any" would be a better word choice for this sentence, either can be used for more than two options. It's just not very common.

Nooodel OP ,

It may not look like it... But there is only 2 options at this point, go forward or back. It's part of a larger hiking trail and while this stretch looks still pretty tame, it gets quite challenging in the mountains, so even experienced explorers stick with the paths here :)

Skyhighatrist ,

I should really have said "While 'any' may be a better word choice..." since I didn't know the context.

AchtungDrempels ,

Love it. Where is it?

Nooodel OP ,

Jämtland in Sweden

IDew , in Sunset above the clouds, Teide National Park, Tenerife [OC]

That's so beautiful!!

chaos0815 , in Natural Rockpools at Punto del Hidalgo, Tenerife

view over Punta del Hidalgo, Tenerife
Can confirm: nice place.

Nooodel OP ,

I was intrigued by your shot. We went back to the rockpools today and I actually found from where your photo is :) Thank you for posting this, it was so nice to keep walking after the lighthouse and find this beautiful spot

Nooodel OP ,
Finally had the time to edit the image @chaos0815

echodot , in A photographer’s wander in Bhutan

Lovely pay wall

Boinkage , in A photographer’s wander in Bhutan

Nice article and pictures, thank you for sharing.

agressivelyPassive , in Kołobrzeg - molo

As a fellow baltic sea dweller, I really need that statue somewhere in my neighborhood.

EarMaster OP , in White Wonderland

If anyone is interested in going there (not affiliated):

Aussiemandeus , in White Wonderland avatar

I would like to see a photo from this January and compare

EarMaster OP , (edited )

You can go to their website and view several webcams. It’s not that different. Climate change is a thing but it’s not that fast…

That particular spot isn’t a slope anymore though - so you couldn’t recreate this shot as easily. ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

IMALlama , in How to I batch convert .CR2 (raw) photos to JPEG?

Yes, it can be done with dark table! Do any edits you want, apply those edits across as many images as you want (you can do this on the light table UI) and then bulk export via the light table UI. I can provide more detailed instructions tomorrow if you need them. Screen shots will be from windows though.

gonzoknowsdotcom1 OP ,

yes, please if possible

IMALlama ,

First time trying a reply with multiple imgur hosted files. Let’s see how this goes. Note that this is… very abridged and assumes you know your way around Dark Table editing otherwise. If not, there are tons of posts and videos on that.

Note that if you don’t edit the raws and export them as is, they will probably look… very flat and boring.

Step 1: click add to library Image

Step 2: navigate to the directory containing your images and hit add to library Image

Step 3: after you’re done with your edits, you can copy the “history stack” across images. Note that this only really works well for groups of images taken with very similar exposure settings, lighting, scenery, etc Image

Step 4: select the image(s) you want to export, configure your export settings, and click export Image

gonzoknowsdotcom1 OP ,

thank you

IMALlama ,

No worries! Hopefully you’ve processed RAWs before. It can be a bit of a learning curve to get them looking “right”, but some of the out of the box things dark table does help with that.

gonzoknowsdotcom1 OP ,

This is exactly what I was looking for thanks. I’m going to archive this with wayback machine to help future people

Zeth0s , in Milan, Italy

Spend 1 hour in piazza duomo and nearby area. After that leave. There’s nothing else worth visiting in Milan (it’s also one of the most polluted city in the world).

Signed: every italian in the world born outside Lombardy

xionzui ,

As someone who just left there and was concerned I missed something good because I didn’t see much other than that, that’s good to hear. I will say the central station is also very impressive

Zeth0s , (edited )

It’s “fine” for Italian standards. Saint Peter in Rome is very impressive, for instance. But we might be spoiled…

Milan isn’t worth the time spent there, unless you are a 20 something looking for beautiful girls. In that case Milan is surely worth the time

Anomandaris , in Bird of Paradise, Mexico City avatar
poVoq , in Bird of Paradise, Mexico City avatar

We have these (non-natively) around here as well, but I wonder if they have evolved for hummingbirds?

Mighty , in Bird of Paradise, Mexico City avatar

Okay this is creepy. I just saw one today and Googled it, now this shows up on my dash.

Great picture though

FartsWithAnAccent , in Could this be the most beautiful place in Germany? avatar

I’m not so sure, I better go check for myself!

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