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mipadaitu ,

Those disgruntled people in this thread. I suggest you read the article. The first thing it talks about is how companies started outsourcing and treating employees as replaceable, and employees were slow to respond at first, so companies just kept pushing until they finally fucked around enough to find out that they caused this mess.

It’s a pretty good article, and argues that the employers need to step up and start showing real leadership, instead of chasing the lowest contract, and single quarter vision.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I agree that it's a good article, but I find it highly unlikely that businesses will do those things. Private companies, maybe. But public companies need to keep the line going up, so they will always be short-sighted. It's why I don't want to work for public companies in the first place.

BaldProphet OP , avatar

We need to put our money into ethical, sustainability-focused activist funds that can force the public corps' to institute reforms.

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