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xmunk ,

Racism. They never have to ask if you’re black but if you live in a predominantly black neighborhood they can decline to hire you without running afoul of anti-discrimination laws.

You’d be surprised how many things in America are just racism wearing a wig.

cerement , avatar

also known as redlining – nominally illegal but almost impossible to enforce (assuming anyone in authority even tries to enforce) …

Nastybutler ,

That can be determined by Zip Code alone. Exact address isn’t needed to determine which neighborhood an applicant is from in most major cities

Mirshe ,

True, but asking for your ZIP code feels more nebulous and undefined as to WHY. Asking for your full address is “oh, I guess so they can mail me things if they need to” for most applicants, so it gets looked past a lot easier. One of the few times where specificity wins out.

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