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Mirshe ,

So give me exactly what your criteria are on "shithole nations".

Also, our entire aid spending is less than 1% of our budget normally.

Mirshe ,

Yup, this is how I do it. Had ONE manager try the whole "we actually NEED you to come in, we don't have enough coverage" thing the day I was scheduled to start my vacation, so I sent them a picture from the window of the plane I was on.

Mirshe ,

Or, the company keeps withholding documentation until your own money runs out. They know how it's played, and unless you get your local Department of Labor involved (if indeed you even have a DoL that's not just countywide or whatever), they know that they can just run the clock out by withholding documents, delaying court dates, etc while remaining well within the "oh we just plain forgot your honor" line.

Mirshe ,

Yup, my old grocery store required this as a part of being full-time. You couldn't refuse a shift, couldn't swap hours, and had to be able to come in when asked unless the absence was preplanned or a medical emergency.

Needless to say, almost all of the full-time people had no lives outside work, at all.

Mirshe ,

It sure seems like it might be a contributing factor. Who knew that threatening whistleblowers would eventually wind up with people duct taping over known issues rather than actually trying to get them fixed?

Now we’ve got this, the whole Boeing thing, East Palestine…

Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis after city council forces them to pay drivers more ( )

Lyft and Uber said they will cease operations in Minneapolis after the city’s council voted Thursday to override a mayoral veto and require that ride-hailing services increase driver wages to the equivalent of the local minimum wage of $15.57 an hour....

Mirshe ,

It’s more that all of these rideshare companies rely solely on undercutting every other cab company in the area - by not paying a living wage and forcing drivers to use their own vehicles (thus paying for their own gas and maintenance), they avoid a lot of operating expenses. They manage to do this by billing themselves as tech companies instead of any sort of transport company, and cities have been forced to go along with it purely out of convenience and mass adoption.

Mirshe ,

In the country where pretty much anyone can legally purchase a firearm, as well. This will end well, surely.

Knights among toner cartridges ( )

(Business people) speaking a language familiar and dear to them. Its portentous nouns and verbs invest ordinary events with high adventure; executives walk among toner cartridges, caparisoned like knights. We should tolerate them - every person of spirit wants to ride a white horse. -William Strunk Jr. (The Elements of Style)

Mirshe ,

True, but asking for your ZIP code feels more nebulous and undefined as to WHY. Asking for your full address is “oh, I guess so they can mail me things if they need to” for most applicants, so it gets looked past a lot easier. One of the few times where specificity wins out.

Mirshe ,

Or they’re in office parks out in the middle of nowhere, and the closest residential anything is 20+ minutes away.

On the end of Discovery

I have mixed feelings about Disco ending. I really dug the first season’s look at a Federation at war, and following the person who arguably set that war in motion dealing with her culpability. Add to that a ship that is part weird science lab, part haunted house. And yeah, I could live with the Klingon redesign....

Mirshe ,

I want an entire show about Admiral Vance, because I’m in love with Oded Fehr’s voice.

Mirshe ,

Sulu: I’ll protect you, fair maiden.

Uhura: Sorry, neither.

Mirshe ,

Paramount wants it off everything and out of production so they can practice the dark art of tax writeoffs with its sacrifice. If they aren’t selling it or streaming it anywhere, they can claim it as a business loss.

Braga: ‘I still cringe when I hear it.’ Apparently, it was a long road to the franchise’s most despised title music ( )

Working from the oral history in The Five Year Mission: The next 25 years, this is a fascinating deep dive that answers the question “How did a recycled cover of a 1998 song written for Rod Stewart, ‘Where My Heart Will Take Me’ aka ‘Faith of the Heart’ become the title music for Enterprise?”...

Mirshe ,

To be totally fair, they were being produced during the writer’s strike.

Mirshe ,

Also it looks good for client-facing businesses. Clients like it better when they can see the peons that will be working for them - a lot of them don’t like to accept “well our employees have lives and it’s better and easier for us to simply have them WFH rather than maintaining a huge office space for the sole reason of having an office.”

Mirshe ,

I’d love a Neelix cameo. Have him running or assisting a Talaxian colony somewhere.

Mirshe ,

At least in the STO continuity, Kim is a captain by this point, commanding the Rhode Island.

billmason , to Star Trek avatar

First look at Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is out.

The Doctor/EHM returns, as does the Voyager-A. Inject it into my veins. 🙂


Mirshe ,

Or they’re releasing this to show potential platforms “look at all the hype, look at the audience that wants this.”

Mirshe ,

And here I thought that was gonna be the scene from Plato’s Stepchildren.

billmason , to Star Trek avatar
Mirshe ,

Have you considered the $20 they’d need to pay the writers and actors over the next decade? Think of the poor profits.

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