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dystop , avatar


You can’t keep slaves anymore, but you can own a company and pay your workers an amount that makes it hard for them to pay for basic necessities so they don’t have time for leisure, or organising unions, or finding other jobs. The workers are free to go, of course, but then they’ll fall into financial ruin and not have healthcare.

solivine , avatar

That’s exactly what it is, then I’ve had people laugh at me when I compare it to slavery.

Maeve ,

It’s called wage slavery and you can use that information to educate, if any will listen.

solivine , avatar

Nah, most will just say get a better job, you’re not working hard enough etc. Lots of people I speak to tend to frame it as a worker problem rather than a problem with the system. It’s also why lots of people seem to be anti strikes…

Maeve ,

Well I did use a qualifier. I know. I was in McDonald’s one day getting a soda and they took forever. A young woman was griping that “it’s those kids! No one wants to work anymore!” I told her for those wages and what was expected, i don’t blame them. I got an angry glare.

Malfeasant ,

“but they’re paying $15 an hour, isn’t that what you people* wanted?”

Uh, it was, but that was 10 years ago…

*not the racist “you people”, just the run of the mill ignorant one.

Maeve ,

I giggled and took no offense.

RegularGoose ,

Too many people seem to think that chattel slavery is the only thing that counts as slavery, and that even that doesn’t count if a slaver is less horrible to their slaves than other slavers are.

Maeve ,

Sadly, yes.

Maeve ,

Frighteningly few have health care with full employment, sometimes it’s not offered, when it is, it’s still not budgetable.

MrBusinessMan ,

They should just start their own business then and stop being a bunch of lazy complainers

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