nigh7y ,

He should get fucked sideways with a cactus

MechanicalJester ,

All the data collected has shown productivity went sharply UP with professionals working from home.

These are desperate rich people with a stake in corporate real estate quickly becoming worthless.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

These folks know that the middle class has been bled dry, and soon, the billionaires won’t have anyone left to exploit except the millionaires like him

charonn0 , avatar

Biffle blamed lower productivity for higher overhead costs for the airline, and said that it was a problem across companies.

There’s the truth poking through. He’s looking for a scapegoat.


Damn. This Barry Biff bitch sure reminds me of another Biff villain…

spacecowboy ,

Look at how fucking fat you are and tell us again who’s lazy.

Hiccup ,

Another vile, evil CEO. I hope his airline fails.

some_guy ,

Someone please go piss on this mans lawn.

e_t_ Admin , (edited )

By some writers this office is called a sinecure. But not so. Because the Lord Warden CEO is busily employed at times in fobbing his perquisites; which are his chiefly by virtue of that same fobbing of them.

Jimmycakes ,

Pretty rich coming from the ceo of the most hated most incompetent airline going

bassomitron ,

Disregarding the bullshit he’s spewing: Why the fuck would I want to work hard for a boss like this overly entitled meatbag?

lobut ,

CEOs have expense accounts that cover most of their stuff. Take calls and work remotely all the time. I guess we can’t remove their silliness can we?

This puritanical work mentality is horrible. We’re supposed to live. Not just be profit generators for these miserable cunts.

TheMusicalFruit ,

I suddenly have no reason to fly on his airline.

skellener , avatar

He doesn’t realize there’s a tipping point where we just eat the rich.

OneStepAhead ,

Man who’s job depends on people traveling, wants people To travel more…. Shocking.

whitecapstromgard ,

Fuck this loser.

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